धागा: Master of Magic
FinlandEino3 years ago

I added a new 4 wizard sub-category for Conquest, just in case it's something someone would be interested in running. This category makes most sense to me as it could be considered as 100% compared to previous Any%. Same rules apply: Difficulty must be impossible, all glitches are allowed, all settings (including manual combat) must be enabled and the timing ends at the beginning of animation for defeating the last wizard.

धागा: Master of Magic
FinlandEino3 years ago

Agreed, there's no need to have a requirement to show the settings, because it should be noticeable in the run. Maybe it would be a good practice to show the settings anyway for extra verification, but only after finishing a run to be submitted. I considered showing them in my run, but some reason didn't. It would be better to show these after the run so it's not necessary to go to the menus each time when starting a new run. Indeed, we should be trusting in speedrunning in general as there are very few people who'd cheat on purpose and it happens mostly in more popular games. Anyways, happy to see new activity here and hope we get more runners in the future.

As for score%. I think it would be an interesting idea as the game originally tracked how well you did with end score. Unfortunately, the format of the site does not accommodate such a category. It has been discussed here: https://www.speedrun.com/the_site/thread/1gbee/ If that's something you'd be interested in, you could for example post an end screen with a score in the forums. I can make it sticky and if others are interested they can reply with their own scores there.

Some possible categories I had in mind. Conquest with 4 wizards or glitchless spell of mastery with manual combat. I did a run of the latter category, but without manual combat. It's not very good or interesting as such so I didn't post it here. If there's a category not listed here, it's possible to consider having it included. It should be sufficiently interesting to others in the future. There's not much point in having several one run categories with so few players.

धागा: Master of Magic
FinlandEino3 years ago

I'm making this post hoping to avoid confusion in the future. These rules are based on what's been done on previous runs so far and to keep the rules simple and fair as possible.

Conquest category: All settings (including animations, messages, end of turn wait, manual combat etc.) must be enabled! Spell of mastery category: All settings are optional! Difficulty must be set to impossible on both categories, but other new game options are up to player. Further details in category rules.

It's possible to consider adding subcategories, if someone wants to (for example) play spell of mastery category on manual combat. Any questions or suggestions are welcome.

धागा: Dune II
FinlandEino3 years ago

Hi. Fastest version of the game should be played when possible. Variables or subcategories for region can be added later if necessary. Most games on this site allow emulated runs on same boards with consoles and there would currently be zero runs on this page if emulators were not allowed. Important thing is to allow everyone to participate, not just people capable recording from real consoles. We can revisit rules and modify if necessary, when there's actual competition in a specific category.

Intentional cheating is definitely not allowed and will result in removal of runs and possible ban. It's less likely that someone who has put tens of hours into polishing a run would consider cheating. Something like speeding up an emulator should be noticeable in the video for someone who's familiar with the game. If there's a real reason to suspect emulator user would have an unfair advantage to someone recording from a real console and loses a record because of that, then we need to consider banning such emulators or move the emulated runs to a separate board.

Genesis and MS-DOS runs used to be on the same board, even though they are two separate games. Boards for Genesis were added when more people started to run the Genesis version. Same thing applies to other changes. There's no need to overcomplicate both moderation and navigation on this page, before it becomes necessary.

धागा: Dune II
FinlandEino3 years ago

I believe you've been playing on Kega Fusion, which I believe should be the best option for Genesis emulation so it should be fine. And yes, you'll get a notification for each run and post for this game, even with auto verification enabled. Also worth mentioning, it's a good idea to familiarize current settings for this game before you start editing to avoid mistakes. Setting are a bit messy, because speedrun.com has gone through some changes. Some of the rules are in categories tab, while others can be found at variables.

VibrantColors इसे पसंद करता है
धागा: Dune II
FinlandEino3 years ago

I've added you as moderator. You are the most qualified person to determine what goes for Genesis runs. Feel free to update rules for Genesis boards. I'd recommend checking rules for other popular Genesis games (such as Sonic), to determine what emulators should be allowed and how strict you want the verification proof to be. Obviously emulated runs should be as close to original hardware as possible, to keep the runs on same board, if someone wants to run this game on real hardware at some point.

We currently have automatic verification enabled. This has been working fine so far, because there haven't been that many runs, but it's possible this setting needs to be changed at some point. It's still a good idea to give at least WR submissions a look when new runners come aboard to see that the runs are timed correctly and such. It's always possible some rules need updating in the future depending on major consensus, but these things can be discussed later if necessary.

धागा: Dune II
FinlandEino3 years ago

Hi! I could add you as moderator for this game so you can clarify emulator rules and check submissions. We could use a mod for the Genesis boards. You would need to go to Settings and enable "Require e-mail authentication".

धागा: Bruce Lee (C64)
FinlandEino3 years ago

I made a change in timing rules. Previous rule was to start timer when pressing F7 to start the game. New rule starts timing when the first screen becomes visible (further corrective in category rules). This change was made due to difficulty of estimating start of game, because of delay.

Milliseconds are also now implemented and current top3 runs have been retimed.

Jck इसे पसंद करता है
धागा: Magic Carpet
FinlandEino3 years ago

Yeah, I was talking about full game segmented runs, where you record a game in segments, replay each segment multiple times and count the full game time in the end. It's been done in the past for several games, but not so often anymore. Loneliness of a retro game runner is real for most games, but sometimes eventually someone gets interested, it just takes time due to low popularity.

btw. you might find this interesting read, even if you're not planning to play MC2 in the near future. https://kb.speeddemosarchive.com/Magic_Carpet_2/Game_Mechanics_and_Glitches

Silverbird इसे पसंद करता है
धागा: Magic Carpet
FinlandEino3 years ago

I didn't remember you could play MC2 in a NG+ mode, to return to completed levels, but that would definitely be an option for competitive IL runs. Yeah, probably the game is more stable in VGA and without meteor. There have been segmented speedruns in Speed Demos Archive before, where one tries to optimize a game in a semi-TAS manner.

I thought about adding HW ILs as a separate category besides the original levels, but that doesn't look good, because you can't name HW levels separately. So probably the best way to do it is what you suggested, adding them from 51 and onward. It will also be cleaner, if someone wants to run this on PS1 or Saturn. You wont mind adding ILs to the board if you decide to run it? Good luck with the runs! It's nice to see at least someone trying to beat this game fast and figuring out new strats :)

धागा: Magic Carpet
FinlandEino3 years ago

We can add boards here for Hidden Worlds as well if you want to run it. It's not a separate game, but rather an expansion.

I could help you moderate MC2 if you wish to request it. One problem with MC2 is that doing IL runs might not be easily comparable, because stuff like spells and spell experience carry over to following levels. Also, as with the first game, doing full game runs would be challenging, because of crashes. So maybe the only reasonable way to make a competitive board and record MC2 runs would be to do a segmented full game run, recording each level separately and sequentially. Anyways, I'd be happy to hear other possible ideas.

I have a playthrough for MC2 on YT, but that wouldn't classify as a segmented run, because I used few cheats to show secret levels. Skipping those would probably be a good idea anyway. I'm probably not going to be playing MC in the near future, but it's always possible other people might get into it at some point.

धागा: Dune II
FinlandEino3 years ago

I didn't mean to sound discouraging. You should try running DL to see if you enjoy it. This page will get cluttered if we add more games here and it's better to have someone familiar with a game to moderate it. You can request the game to be added when you have some recorded runs, that's how it usually goes. It's not difficult to set the basics and you don't have to do everything at once. Put restrictions in rules for game speed and difficulty and add more categories later if necessary. Having the page up can attract more runners.

You could also try a different game with an existing board (such as D2000) if you just want to get into running and have some times on this site quickly without mod responsibility.

धागा: Magic Carpet
FinlandEino3 years ago

MC plus includes the original and the expansion. I'm not sure if there is any difference in patch version. The rules are rather relaxed due to this game having high tendency to crash and not much competition. You can play any version on any speed as long as the game remains playable. You can increase game speed (cycles) in DOSBox folder or the game installation folder (if you have the GOG version) by editing the .conf-file. We don't want to exclude runs played on different options. In the future if more people want to play the game on specific rules we could add a separate category for that.

Silverbird इसे पसंद करता है
धागा: Dune II
FinlandEino3 years ago

Hi! I'm not personally familiar with different Dune 2 remakes and inspired by projects. There isn't a category for any unofficial versions, because nobody has shown interest in running those. I'm not strongly opposed of adding boards for other versions, but I'm not the best person to moderate those. I can't speak for other moderators. This could be a problem if more people start to run the game and there's an argument about rules / cheating / hacks / mods.

Do you have suggestions for verifiable rules and would you be recording individual levels or full game runs? In any case, not having category here shouldn't stop you from doing runs for a game. Maybe the best course would be to make a request for adding Dune Legacy as a separate game to this site? This way you can become the moderator to set up the game page and rules as you see best.

धागा: Dune II
FinlandEino3 years ago

Your settings should be fine, whatever gives you good performance. It's very unlikely anyone will try to submit runs on real Amiga. Just use the same settings for future runs. I think it's only the CPU and JIT options that could possibly increase real time game speed, memory shouldn't matter, at least in IL runs. I believe AGA is required to use higher than A500 (68000) CPU settings in WinUAE.

I checked your video and it looks fine. There's no verification requirements atm so you can add runs to the board (now that's set) when you like.

MilkToast इसे पसंद करता है
धागा: Dune II
FinlandEino3 years ago

@MilkToast I didn't put up IL boards for Amiga before submitted runs, but there are some comments for future Amiga emu rules suggestions in the full game category. Anyways, these are just suggestions, but runs should be timed same as the DOS original. Please leave a comment for your emu setup and we can make it standard. Good luck with the runs.

@Krzysiek Thanks for adding the Amiga IL board.

धागा: Master of Magic
FinlandEino4 years ago

OK. I updated the video link of the submission.

Krayzar इसे पसंद करता है
धागा: Shadow of the Beast
FinlandEino4 years ago

How is this coming along? I could also do this and define rules for Amiga runs if you add me as moderator. Another option would be to start a new page for the Amiga if you prefer to keep this page for Genesis only.

TheMotherBrain86 इसे पसंद करता है
धागा: Shadow of the Beast
FinlandEino4 years ago

Thanks, appreciated!

धागा: Shadow of the Beast
FinlandEino4 years ago

@TheMotherBrain86 Hi, I'm working on Amiga run for this game. Would you mind adding Amiga category?

TheMotherBrain86 इसे पसंद करता है
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