Chapter 6 Softlock & Run Validity Question
6 years ago
United States

Hey, everyone.

I did my first "faster-than-casual" run through the game yesterday (I haven't actually learned to speedrun it yet, just tried to beat it as fast as possible). During this attempt, I got stuck in the underwater cave leading to the first "dungeon" (not sure what you guys call them in this game) of chapter 6. Upon entering the door, where you would normally get a game save screen, followed by warping you to a hallway with open doors, I instead just walked straight into a hallway- one that you would normally never see in the game- that had a closed door. I tried walking in an out several times, but it never triggered the save screen, the door never opened and I couldn't find a way out. So, afaik, I stumbled into a softlock.

Is this a glitch anyone has ever seen before? I've played the game many times and have watched many runs and never saw this. I googled it and found no reference to it happening to anyone else.

Anyway, what I did was just reset the game, load the games save file and continued playing, starting from the beginning of chapter 6 again. This was no problem because I wasn't doing an actual speedrun and wasn't even recording, but I wonder if the StarTropics community allows re-loading the save file in the case of a softlock, or if the run is invalidated if you do so. Thanks in advance for the info!

First of all, welcome! :)

FOR : THE GLITCH ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ I know a little why it did happen but I am not sure HOW it did happen.

In the game, there are multiple values that keep track of each dungeon you have done (the hallway before chapter 6 count as a dungeon even if you only need to go up to finish it) If you enter a dungeon that the game think is "done", there will always be a door to block the way.

The game strangely had this values set to "done" but no idea why. It is possible to glitch your save file name when holding start after killing certain bosses but I am not sure if it can work to glitch dungeon flags and I also doubt that you did hold start after killing a boss.

I never got the glitch you got in any speedrun attempts and as far as I know, never happened to most of the runners of this game I know.

FOR : IF YOUR RUN WILL STILL COUNT IF IT HAPPEN ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ For most speedrun in general, reset to load a previous save file is fine, and it is the same for this game, as long as you select the same file of course.

United States

Thanks for the response, Foulco, and congratulations on the recent WR.

Maryland, USA

if you play the review mode and then load a regular save and go into a dungeon this can happen - you can get into a dungeon and the game never cleared the flag from review mode so you're stuck until you reset.

गेम विवरण
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