EM15 can not be times using in game time
7 years ago
Arizona, USA

The game maxes out at 10 minutes.

We have two options:

  1. Get the time stamp of where @1rd 's time started and ended and then subtract

  2. Use how many time he had left which is 6:54. That means that a higher time is better and we should clarify that on the leaderboards

Nordjylland, Denmark

so what ur saying is if i understand it right. should we use a timer for it

alumni likes this
Arizona, USA

Yeah. Even if it took 40 hours the game will still just say 10 minutes

Nordjylland, Denmark

My time end at 6 54 so what. Time should it be then

Arizona, USA

From what i could tell, your run starts at 0:03 and ends at 12:01. So it was 11:58.

You can be more accurate by watching it all and adding up all the seconds that are added when you pass certain checkpoints but i don't think that's necessary

Edited by the author 7 years ago
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