Timer Rules
8 years ago

Times will be accepted dependent on what is shown by the players timer. Here is a general overview of how times will be reviewed on submitted runs under 3:35.

If the player...

  1. Starts their timer late then the submitted run may be rejected.
  2. Starts their timer early then the time shown on the timer will be accepted.
  3. If the player stops their time early then the run may be rejected.
  4. If the player stops their timer late then the time that is shown on the timer will be accepted.

Players will be expected to stop/start their timer accurately. Any mistakes in timekeeping can only lose time for the runner. If the player gains time during the run by inaccurate time keeping their run may be rejecting. These are the general guidelines we will use when accepting/rejecting and determining finishing times for runs that are submitted under 3:35. I may change or amend these rules if necessary.

After learning about new methods like frame counting I am starting to rethink these strict guidelines. I still feel that a runner should put forth a good effort to properly start/stop their timer. In cases where a runners error make it difficult to determine an accurate time the runner should be given the higher time, unless they can provide indisputable evidence of a lower time. Normally these situations would arise when dealing with fractions of a second.

गेम विवरण
ताज़ा धागे
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