6 years ago
United States

I think I just beat an individual level world record by .02 seconds. If it is super close like this, does someone check for the true winner or is it just a tie.

Massachusetts, USA

It goes in as a tie on the leaderboard. Unfortunately there is no way to enable milliseconds for individual levels only, and we would like the main category leaderboards to only show seconds.

गेम विवरण
ताज़ा समाचार
Submission and Leaderboard Update

Hi everyone!

As of May 1st, 2024, the process for submitting full-game runs has changed. When submitting a run, please leave "Load Removed Time" blank unless you achieved a time under a category's specific retime barrier. **For categories without a retime barrier, please only fill out "Real T

1 month ago
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