Limiting IL category to specific levels
4 years ago
Aichi, Japan

I was wondering, if it is possible to only include a few of the individual levels in a specific individual level category instead of applying the category to all individual levels. I have looked through the "Edit Game" page, but I couldn't find any such option.

Don_Elgorro इसे पसंद करता है

Not possible unfortunately.

New South Wales, Australia

If you make it a subcategory-variable you can. Except you have to add a specific individual variable for every individual IL you want to add the category to. It's a dodgy work-around basically and it can be really annoying to setup if there are a lot of levels where the category applies, since you have to add the same variable over and over manually.

Imaproshaman इसे पसंद करता है
Aichi, Japan

Thanks for the info. That's too bad. Would be a nice feature.