Hi, want to try speedrunning
4 years ago
United States

Im new to the scene of speedrunning, I have seen many runners do amazing strats and attempts and so I want to try it myself. I found a game and got the recommended software, but still have some questions regarding what to do. Like, how do I set up the timer to switch during levels? What recording devices are good? and more game specific questions. Glad to try anything and happy to be here!

Carbasi_Sucks, RetroPacman, और AquaBlake इसे पसंद करें

well what timer are you using? when i was running games with livesplit you had to split manually, depending on the game you run there may be an auto splitter for you're game now days.

TwitterLover और RetroPacman इसे पसंद करें
United States

I havent picked one yet but I was thinking of using livesplit, I highly doubt there is an automatic one for the game I chose though sadly.


if you have video you dont need a splitter for you're run to be accepted! livesplit is mostly used for you to do multiple runs so you can see if you are on pace for a PB or not, it is fun to see the splits while playing.

United States

I do hope to go after my own PB and such, so im guessing livesplit is something useful, im still trying to get better at my gsme and all so seeing how i improve is nice. Also, if this is an appropriate question, where is a good place to get ROMs?


hehe ROMs huh? i think we can't talk about that publicly but if you send me a dm on discord or twitter i can tell you

RetroPacman इसे पसंद करता है
United States

Alright, thanks!