Glitchless Any% Notes
Glitchless Any% Notes
अपडेट किया गया 2 years ago से zachary

Not a guide, just a point of reference for glitchless races/runs

buy bread, talk to mayor, get water
sleep for 8 hours, go get leno
sleep until ~13:00, talk to mayor
talk to jon & get his key
talk to jon @ midnight
go up twinpeak getting 4 binchos & 4 logs
appraise l brace, buy 3 gel+1 mint, talk to fores, steamwood
rootrick, geezer, skullpion

mayor and hotelo in front of grocer (10:00-18:00)
wid (23:00)
misteria & aqualin (carpenter after misteria in conveyor room), crystal by aqualin
towst, wanda, restaurant
2 mercs in bowling
carpenter in 2nd invisible maze room
appraise l belt & sell crystal
sleep full day then until 2:00 (35-38 hours), talk to priest (02:00-02:30)
water scroll, bell jump, return the bell
appraise vest
sleep until midnight
relic keeper

water crest in well, leave by rope in well
talk to mayors wife
talk to carpenters
gondola gizmo (gold, 4 holes, 3 around the edges 1 in middle)
geezer+village on fire
sleep 8 hours, talk to mayor
glasses, kojiro
talk to mercenaries, appraise glasses, frost palace
left, up, up, right, up, up, right, up, up, left, up, up, up, up
red eye, blue eye, shoes, green eye
frost dragon

buy items from grocer/talk to grocer
geezer, steamwood II
wind scroll
talk to gondola man
sleep to thursday morning (02:00ish)
ant dungeon & queen ant

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पोस्ट किया गया 6 years ago
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