Speedun.com Logo
5 years ago
Saxony, Germany

Hey guys, I made a logo for this site in splatoon 2 style. If you like it, you can put it in the top left corner of this site, I would be very thankful :D https://mega.nz/#!WPxQxAaJ!2c-4lqCWSP42k6lqa4Gz1U1OB19gC5NO213OM9eOee0

Michigan, USA

Not to be rude or anything but it looks quite horrible in a couple places. Maybe clean it up a bit first and use actual letters for the O and S instead of cut out images. This is a good reference to go off of. (source is Splatoon 1 speedrun.com logo) https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/463542062873182238/471104335024226315/Some_Logo.PNG The aesthetic looks clean and consistent while also resembling the actual in-game font (which is called Project Paintball by the way, here's the download link) http://fizzystack.web.fc2.com/paintball.html Hope you can submit something better in the future. Good luck!

Saxony, Germany

Yeah you‘re right it looks pretty shitty xD but it would be a shame if this leaderboard hadn’t a logo in Splatoon style, maybe I make a new one later...

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