I wanna change the timing of the run’s end
4 years ago

I wrote an autosplitter and something like “split when audio goes mute” is too hard for me to program so I made it split the moment the Ark dies. Which, to be honest, makes a lot more sense to me I don’t even know why we were waiting for the game to go mute.

I hope people have no issue with this change? I can go and personally edit all the current submissions to correct their timing if people agree.

Auvergne, France

I have no issue with this and i make me more sense than waiting clearly.

I'm totaly for it.

ALAKTORN aiment ceci

So since both Night and I have gotten any% PBs using the new timing, I went and changed all English runs to the new timing. I didn’t touch the Japanese times because technically they can still split it however they want.

For runs without videos I simply subtracted 8 seconds off their time, since that’s how much time was wasted before from Ark having 0 HP to the game going mute.

Edit: Fixed the rules.

Modifié par l'auteur 4 years ago
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