fil: Dota 2
RussiaMekarazium4 years ago

It's up.

RussiaMekarazium4 years ago

but subhuman > anything 5 can offer...

zerodux aiment ceci
RussiaMekarazium4 years ago

Everyone would literally be jumping in their seats, while eating pizza and juggling faust meatballs while running across the minefield, if people that claim that "speedrunning is DMD 100% only" would actually did try to make a single attempt at making this happen tbh.

Instead, well, ez rekkies is all people care about it seems. Glad to see you running DMD tbh.

yamanaru aiment ceci
RussiaMekarazium4 years ago

It's a general problem of DMC games.

All of the games have good tech and insane skill floor to start, which pushes people away from running. Then, we have speedrunning tech that only grows from game to game, with 3/4/5 having the most of it. And then, we have difficulty selections, given people can't even clear Devil Hunter/Normal without getting hit at the first 2-5 misisons (depending on a game), what you can expect on DMD, with enemies being brutal as fuck?

At the end, we have extremely difficult category, that requires shitton of skill to play casually, and close-to god-level of understanding how the game works in order to play it flawlessly. And then, you want to speedrun it.

Sure, DMD runs might be fine, but it all comes down to spamming JC EX3 Caliburs/Showdowns/Roulettes, with no extra tech or any new glitches for the difficulty. You're doing the same things as you've did in any other category. DMC speedrunning, especially on DMD, was somewhat a yarikomi, that was eventually found by russian community back in 2009's ( one of the examples that's still up).

Since the rules of "how you should run X game" are constantly changing, rules are usually flowing in a zone where you mix both accesibility (low difficulty / lowest amount of tech) and skill (start easy and slow, spend years to get good at something), so the reason of current 5's ruleset kinda aiming at people who would want to run the game. And uh, people prepared somewhat decent amount of resources to get started.

What comes after, well, we don't know. Maybe you would run DMD w/ all enemies being Furies.

P.S - Remember that outside of Japanese regions, DMC games / runners don't get as much respectability/viewership/reckognition, and DMC's main focus was always a style-based gameplay, not efficiency-based one that speedruns are showing. Running DMD's might be cool and stuffs, but has no(or very close to no) value, if you would compare DMD run to Human or Devil Hunter one.

Doesn't matter if you run DMD or Devil Hunter, if the numbers are the same, as people wouldn't understand why DMD is quadrice harder than DH, although we understand hows DMD fucking brutal.

RussiaMekarazium4 years ago

People had no interest in running DMD, we had 0 runs total for both NG+ categories @ 6 months.

RussiaMekarazium4 years ago

you don't have to get a timer on your screen, mods will re-time your run anyways.

RussiaMekarazium4 years ago

we just came to a conclusion that hoh is kinda meh to run, and nobody really cared about running hoh categories seriously. if you'll make a bunch of runs, i can throw a suggestion to add hoh on the boards.

peck324 aiment ceci
RussiaMekarazium4 years ago

take a bunch of screenshots, please

fil: Dota 2
RussiaMekarazium4 years ago

idk about IL's, not sure if i should actually touch IL's at all and preserve the same amount of effort to make them look somewhat presentable, so probably no changes will be done to IL's.

Delekates aiment ceci
fil: Dota 2
RussiaMekarazium4 years ago

If you have something else to bring up to the table (that i def. forgot), do it now.

fil: Dota 2
RussiaMekarazium4 years ago

Hey there, it's me.

So, during the past ~3 months i've been thinking about the ways i should (again) run the boards. Since the <6.88 situation (where i've accidently removed all the runs, after backing them up in the Google Docs), it's been quite a lot of time for the patches to come, and for the runs to get submitted.

Eventually, we came to the point where 7.07 runs are unbeatable, map and heroes are changed, new mechanics were introduced. I guess it's time to make another board sweep.

This time, no runs will be lost.

In Misc. category, you will find [Legacy] runs. All current runs (prior to 7.22) will be held there without additional subcategories or separations, meaning 7.07 run will be competing against 7.00, 7.21, 7.16 etc. runs.

But Meka, what about older patches? Sure.

@TheLaughingMax discovered a way to launch older Dota versions by using backed up Source1 executable. Meaning that a vast majority of patches are now available to play. These runs will be held in Legacy category, which brings the older (GDocs) runs to a question.

Honestly, i've fucked up very badly last time (sorry, again), i wasn't experienced w/ backend of the site, and i actually should've tried doing a bunch of things differently. Since this "leaderboards patch" should fix the older problems, i consider bringing the older runs back, if i'll be able to recover them, somehow.

The following changes will be done during August:

  1. Moving all <7.22 runs to [Legacy] Misc. category.
  2. Reformatting DotA versions to be era-based (7.22 era, Legacy, 6.88 era, etc.), instead of version based
  3. I'll attempt to bring older runs back. If you want to take a look at them, use this link:

Expect your runs to suddenly disappear into Misc. categories. Thanks for your... patience?

fil: Dota 2
RussiaMekarazium4 years ago

Misc. category will hold all runs, unsorted by the patch shenanigans, and eventually, should a new update drop in - the runs will be moved there, and the main category will be clean again. I thought it's literally the best solution rn, but because the site is somewhat being reworked, it became a bit harder to create new things w/o messing up the entire board. Also, i'm still busy w/ the projects, sorry that it takes that long.

RussiaMekarazium4 years ago

and i think that getting a paypal requires ~5 minutes, plus around an hour (or so) to get a verification. ask a friend to pay 5$, and refund w/ wm or smth else.

there are a lot of ways to do that. also i suppose that you still can "play" w/ gradients in profile settings: ,or maybe you can't w/e

RussiaMekarazium4 years ago

rework is fine, site loads much faster, yet

a) think about bringing the customization back w/o bringing a paywall behind it.

nobody really cared about memey games having their memery backgrounds, unless they were unappropriate (prolly the best word here). considering barely any1 would click on a game thats on 187th page (sorted by active runners), and that particular game had some dude eating tacos, with his leg and stomach ripped apart yadda-yadda. people were actively looking at the games that were showcased on gdq/esa/marathons in general, or, if someone popular was playing that game, and these particular games are quite popular. guess what: the dudes that had the most active games on the site spent a lot of time combining text color, backgrounds, link color and other important things, that made some leaderboards extremely pleasant to watch. because you allowed people to take responsibility of what their games look like, because they knew what's gonna b good for the games.

instead, you literally look that responsibility, butchered the idea of making your own page look great, and made three different elements on the page take a SINGLE color, effectively butchering not only everyones leaderboards, but also their own pages:

this is bad, and this is probably the primary reason most people are mad about.

b) let people decide which SRC theme they want to use, if the rework is not yet "solidified".

Steam has a great option to participate in beta versions of the games, w/o making the original game look bad. so why forcing the update, instead of making people choose if they want to see one? it's a huge difference, and i'm not sure why this decision wasn't made in a first place, as you dodge the hatewave for making the site look worse, and you can get feedback for free, without people being sad that "this is how things will be from now on", and considering their departure from the site, just because the site looks worse NOW, not oh hey i can see what will be later on, oh shie, the site looks bad lemme write a feedback of a things that should be changed imo.

the difference between these two themes is astounding, and you can't just pull a trigger w/o alarming people of what the site will look like. bunch of screens not equals an access to a reworked site, so if possible (since you'll probably keep this theme as default now) - let people "downgrade" to the older version of the site, or have new theme as an option. don't introduce new things that you'll have in a future to the older version, but i think you got the idea.

rythin, Crep et 2 autres aime ceci
fil: Dota 2
RussiaMekarazium4 years ago

Okay then, i'll get back to the board in like 2-3 days after i finish my projects.

fil: Dota 2
RussiaMekarazium4 years ago

I'm just not sure how i should do the boards now.

From one side, i want the board to hold the runs that can be beaten in the current version of the game, so if 7.07 run can't be beaten, then the board either gets wiped (and stored in Docs). I've done that shortly after 7.00 kicked in, and you couldn't access <6.88 version, and i wasn't really supporting the way you can launch the game by using older .exe files. Same goes for the custom maps that allow you to play older versions.

From the other - you've discovered a way to launch ~any older dota version. After i've wiped off the boards (and there's no real way to recover the original runs at all), i've no clue how i should approach the runners and tell them "hey dud ur runs back ayy". It wasn't the mistake that i've made back then, neither it was a coincidence that the runs are gone forever. Oh, and people would receive notification about their run being added back, which is a huge yikes.

I thought about creating a Misc. category w/ all older categories (pre 7.00) held there, where "version" restriction wouldn't matter, and the runs would be transferred whenever something big happens, or you can upload your run towards legacy cat. right away, and not care bout the version being good, as you can always downpatch.

Again, i'm not a fan of downpatching, i've no clue how do i handle this problem, as the community is extremely slim, but having a way to downgrade the game is a very common thing in speedrunning, and i think that's the way the game should go.

That's the reason the run is still not accepted.

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