fil: Pac-Man
Tasmania, AustraliaChef7 years ago

I need to find an arcade machine I don't reckon I can just do it on MAME

Miles95 aiment ceci
fil: Pac-Man
Tasmania, AustraliaChef7 years ago

It is possible, it would require 3 hours of perfect inputs though. There are patterns which are humanly possible that are faster than davids

fil: Pac-Man
Tasmania, AustraliaChef7 years ago

The world record for the perfect score is by David Race. It's only three hours and a half

fil: Pac-Man
Tasmania, AustraliaChef7 years ago

Im pumped, will go for the perfect score category but will take a month or two. Thanks starcytas we appreciate it

Miles95 et starcrytas aime ceci
fil: Pac-Man
Tasmania, AustraliaChef7 years ago

Im pumped, will go for the perfect score category but will take a month or two. Thanks starcytas we appreciate it

fil: Pac-Man
Tasmania, AustraliaChef7 years ago

Alright everybody agreed?

Miles95 aiment ceci
fil: Pac-Man
Tasmania, AustraliaChef7 years ago

I feel like the categories should be 1-9, 1-21 and Perfect score should be the categories

fil: Pac-Man
Tasmania, AustraliaChef7 years ago

I mean it makes sense to have a 3,333,360 category and if it was up. id put in the time to do so. But only a handful of people in the world have been able to do it, especially trying to do it as fast as you can. Plus I think there already is a record for the fastest, it's like 3 or 4 hours I think. If it was a category I would go for it.

fil: Pac-Man
Tasmania, AustraliaChef7 years ago

Starcytas? ruse_sr? what do you think?

Miles95 aiment ceci
fil: Pac-Man
Tasmania, AustraliaChef7 years ago

OH yea definitely keep the 10k runs don't get rid of them. I reckon we should make the categories:

10k nes arcade paceman world 3

1-9 arcade

1-21 arcade

You know what i mean?

AquaBlake et Miles95 aime ceci
fil: Pac-Man
Tasmania, AustraliaChef7 years ago

Make boards 1-9 and 1-21 a main category for arcade, you can do the same with the nes but i don't know enough about it. Don't make any miscs there not needed

AquaBlake et Miles95 aime ceci
fil: Pac-Man
Tasmania, AustraliaChef7 years ago

Aquablake is right, the last cutscene is a good way to base a category behind. I still think 1-21 because the pattern after board 21 stays the same, and wouldn't be that much fun.

And I guess you could argue that level 21 is the end of the game. So we all going to agree on boards 1-9 and 1-21? I think that would honestly be a lot of fun.

Thanks crafty burger

Remz, AquaBlake, et Miles95 aime ceci
fil: Pac-Man
Tasmania, AustraliaChef7 years ago

So yea boards 1-5 and 1-21 is what I'm voting for, but i really don't mind

AquaBlake et Miles95 aime ceci
fil: Pac-Man
Tasmania, AustraliaChef7 years ago

Don't add any more different categories for ports, keep arcade, NES and pac-man world 3. We should only add one or two more categories, otherwise Pac-Man will just get completely over saturated. Fastest to complete boards 1-5 and fastest to complete boards 1-21. A category for a "Perfect score" would be great but there wouldn't be enough people. Starcytas do whatever you want with setting up the categories. But just please don't be that moderator that adds 10 different categories/sub categories/miscs to the pac-man speed run page. It's debatably a simple game, just do categories that we'd find fun and challenging.

Miles95 aiment ceci
fil: Pac-Man
Tasmania, AustraliaChef7 years ago

The last thing I think we all want is the game to be flouded with different categories. We should only have one or two more categories max

Miles95 aiment ceci
fil: Pac-Man
Tasmania, AustraliaChef7 years ago

I reckon we should do board five then. Because with level 1 you have a pattern, with levels 2-4 you can have the same pattern. And with level 5 there is a pattern but it's a lot harder to pull off, plus the ghosts and yourself are going faster

Miles95 et AquaBlake aime ceci
fil: Pac-Man
Tasmania, AustraliaChef7 years ago

If you think there should be a 21st board category and your willing to put the time into doing the run, like this post here. Just to get an idea of how many people are going to do it. If we get enough people hopefully the moderators will see. I don't reckon this community is big enough to have a "Perfect Score Category." You want categories people can actually do, not categories that have one or two people going for it.

Miles95 aiment ceci
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