Cojosao speedrun Any% last clip into the tower
7 years ago

Hi, I am learning the WR ANY% road, and I don't understand how he is clipping into the tower. If anyone could explain this to me, it would be super great :D Have a nice day


This video shows the setup.

Nofix aiment ceci
Washington, USA

The title informs you why nobody runs this category anymore.

Rabbit aiment ceci

I spent around 2 hours trying to practice this but couldn't get it even once.

Is there any known ways to prevent paint from disappearing randomly when it's dropped on that rock? That bug makes this such a pain to practice.

New Zealand

You just need to stand in the right spot. Another way you can practice it is by taking the axe from C, but your lineup will be different, so it's not the best.


Got it twice on 2 hours...


Yeah, it isn't really a guaranteed trick. It would be nice if there were other elements to look at that don't move so aligning yourself would be an easier task. Sadly, there aren't any around that side of the tower.