My notes for NG+ Any% (Easy)
7 years ago
Tennessee, USA

While I'm not sure how much help this will be here are my notes based off Xerian's 1:30:07 run and additional knowledge from the forum with some safety meds routed in for new runners. My current PB is a 1:35:37 with this route. I'm fairly confident in these notes except for

  1. Triggering the second phone call by dropping back into the hole is not confirmed to save time yet.
  2. The Final Jack fight as it is complete and total chaos.

You certainly can get the eye under his tail without having him climb up again but I have yet to figure out a way that works for me.

I'll write up a longer explanation for the route and how the triggers are known to work soon. Critiques are welcome.

Here's a longer guide explaining some of the triggers and a couple mechanics. This only takes you up to the the final Jack fight for now and I might expand on it later.

EDIT: Added an order to the final jack fight based off this post by Rebecca13 Turns out you just have to crouch. :|

EDIT2: Added longer explanations for the sh¤t speedrunners do.

Modifié par l'auteur 7 years ago
United States

this probably a dumb question but would this route be fine for console too?

United States

Yes its just the same no exclusive tricks to pc besides quick mia kill if I remember correctly

United States

no u can do the quick mia kill on console too its jut harder is all

Tennessee, USA

Added my explanation guide that goes over a couple basic mechanics, explains the guest house triggers (to the best of my knowledge), and covers the boss fights up to the last Jack fight. It's not really finished but I found myself not working on it for too long so I figured I'd share. It's mostly become a FAQ at this point as I generally just add in things that I thought were common knowledge but get asked in the discord anyway. I'll probably come back and add the boat and mines to it later but I feel my bullet point notes cover it well enough.

Victoria, Australia

Thanks for this.

Florida, USA

To get the under tail eye aim to the middle of the leg next to it and shut through it to hit the eye works all the time