Removal of (Classic/Extended)
6 years ago
New South Wales, Australia

Decided to remove the Classic/Extended categories and consolidate everything back into just Any%/All Levels/100%.

The reason why I kept them separately in the first place was because I believed people would want to run the "old runs" without needing the "old version" and that that may help alleviate some of the pressure of the now harder/longer All Levels/100% runs.

It seems that was unnecessary and people would prefer to just run "the maximum" run of whatever version it is.

I guess if people wish to do the older runs they may need to acquire the old versions .. though I am open to suggestions for flexibility such as allowing v1.0 runs using v2.0 (though I believe you will be grossly dis-advantaged).

For now though, 100% now means 100% .. and All Levels means All Levels, including everything that the version you are running has in it. Nice and simple.

Edited by the author 6 years ago