Who is working on breaking this game?
9 years ago
Växjö, Sweden

How much time would sunstone early save?

Colorado, USA

I'm honestly not good at calculating time saves. Getting both of these stones early can skip the cut scene upon arriving at walled city 2. It would eliminate the need for zoom goggles. It would skip the block puzzles outside both temples and obviously all the puzzles inside the temples themselves. I do think we still need to open the underground to red eye king, or else the statues won't load if we do the walled city skip into it. I've tried hitting the load point and save quitting, but this proved to not help any. The statues were still unloaded for me. I haven't really looked into it much so I could be wrong. With this said, I think the next thing on my to do list is krazoa spirit 4 early.

Colorado, USA

Super Quake can now be skipped :D

Colorado, USA

Few things to mention: moonstone early and sunstone early will NOT save time since it takes longer to get them using the methods shown in the videos. Even though getting them both this way gives us the option to skip super quake, it still isn't enough time to make up the time difference. The only viable trick that can be used is the alternate route to place sun and moon stone which is faster than opening the underground. As for krazoa spirit 4: the same problem as krazoa spirit 3 would occur. Even if we cold get past the gate and into the shrine, after getting it, knowing the game, the gate would most likely still be closed. I'm not positive on this and therefore, I'll still be researching theories. Honestly, I'm starting to turn over to portal opener early. Getting this early could skip part of cloudrunner fortress, ocean 1, light foot village, and krazoa spirit 3, assuming the game will pick up after the portal opener. It wouldn't skip cloudrunner fortress completely since we need sharpclaw disguise for a few things.

Colorado, USA

Krazoa Spirit 3 Early is by far the best lead on anymore sequence breaks in the game. Only recently, I have found a form of clipping in this game using moonjump, making Krazoa Spirit 3 Early possible with moonjump. Clipping does exist, but hardly. Krazoa Spirit 3 Early would skip the majority of CloudRunner Fortress, Ocean 1, and Light Foot Village. It would save somewhere around 50 minutes. I really do want this theory to become a reality.

Pennsylvania, USA


This is some really interesting stuff, the fact it's possible, even with external help, is so dang huge man. Hope it works out

Colorado, USA

I've messed around with loading zones, but seems as though the door itself is part of the light foot village map and not detached loads such as the tall grass and boulders in most maps. What I did find was that the door's loading is identical to the spinning wheels in the sun/moon stone rooms. What happens is that it begins to fade in as you get closer to it and fades out as you get farther away. It is possible to see inside of the totem room through the entrance from the outside if you're in the right spot. I tried using the stuck camera glitch to see if I could bypass the fade in. That didn't seem to work however. Hopefully I get new ideas in the future.

Colorado, USA

With the help of free cam, I was able to activate the locked camera at a point where the entrance to the totem room wasn't loaded. I was then able to guide myself using free cam while the locked camera was active. I was able to bypass the entrance fade in animation when I got closer to it. The door wasn't there, but there was still an invisible wall.

Pennsylvania, USA

Dang so basically this means it's impossible to get through things early w/o them being triggered, son of a...this game is too well made


  1. By doing the airswim trick, I went here
  2. Load Snowhorn Wastes zone
  3. So the game is like "you should have tricky at this point", and blue grubtubs appears
  4. At the "cave" exit, the cutscene where tricky goes at his home loads, but not correctly; the game softlocks. fox falls through the ground and I can press only A, B, X, Z (you can hear my wii loading the game)

-At 2:45, tricky is saying "that's my mom!" -This trick would save time (something like 15 minutes) only for first spellstone category since you need 50 scarabs bag for any% -You can do the same thing with the warpstone's cutscene, fox won't fall through the ground but you can press only A B X Y

:( (hope someone will find a way to do this)

Colorado, USA

I've found multiple areas that have stored dialogue like that. I never knew about this one though. An old light foot village strat used a similar method like this and it would load the cutscene for it. Ya, the game responds this way because it checks to see if you have what it's looking for (In this case: Tricky) I'm guessing that any cutscene can behave this way if it's triggered while the player doesn't have something they should. I've messed around with these cutscene behaviors for a while, but haven't been able to find anything.


I'm late to the party here, so catch me up please. Can you not place Sun or Moon stone early even after placing the teethe?

Colorado, USA

Walled City 2 has to be registered or the game won't let us place either stone in regardless if the teeth are placed in or not.


There's a new TAS

Maybe you guys can tell me how optimal it really is. It's definitely better the the first TAS, but I think it still misse some tricks.

Colorado, USA

The same person made a newer TAS of 4:08:01 that uses every trick known.

Edited by the author 7 years ago
Växjö, Sweden

What is the TAS doing that RTA runners don't? I highly doubt a 40 minutes lower time is purely "better optimization". There has to be some TAS-only tricks in here?

Colorado, USA

The TAS is using tricks that I have yet to use such as baby cloudrunner skip and Super Quake skip plus some tricks that I'll never use such as the queen earthwalker cutscene skip after portal opener. The Tas doesn't get as many mana plants throughout the run because of enemy manipulation. Also fire blaster aiming makes a huge difference in TAS. Yes, some item routing is different. Think about how long the game is and how much can be perfected verses my run.

South Carolina, USA

This is some great stuff! Is anyone still working on this? I'm trying out a lot of the same glitches to see if there is a way to get past all the same things as everyone else is. Let's keep this train moving with these amazing new discoveries

StarFalco64 likes this

Warp glitch done from a setup file.

This uses two files, one in walled city 2 (the premade setup file) and the other in walled city 1 (your actual file)

You use the moon stone early in the walled city 1 file to get the stone and then quit, what that does is store the event/location

After that you load the walled 2 file, you void out in the moon stone temple (with the rock jump to get there without messing the storage)

The game will replace the walled 2 file data with the walled 1 data, keeping the location prior to the void out. Save and quit, and when loading the new walled 1 file, it will be in walled city 2.

Is this viable for any%? New category? Or banned? Let's discuss

Edited by the author 6 years ago

I really didn't think that game would be that broken great find

Tigame and StarFalco64 like this
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UPDATE: Rules and Category Changes [01/23/24]

As of today, new categories and rules have been added to the leaderboard. The following has changed.

Here are the following new categories and changes added to the leaderboard:

  • Spellstone 2
  • Spellstone 1 will now be a sub-category under the new category "Spellstones" along with S
4 months ago
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