5 years ago
Minnesota, USA

Why is funkey kong the only character used?

Mesa, AZ, USA

He has the highest speed stat in the game. Funky with the Flame Runner is considered to be the most OP combo sense most of the world records in MKWii use this combo. Daisy with the Mach Bike is up there too.

StewMan46, AmayaMKWii et 5 autres aime ceci
Minnesota, USA

thank you. i forgot that characters have small variations in stats. what's with funky being op in games?

marcine aiment ceci
New Hampshire, USA

He's funky. He's a funky kong.

Modifié par l'auteur 5 years ago

I use King Buu, it is a good character?

Mesa, AZ, USA

Unfortunately, King Boo is the worst one to use of the heavy characters. These links may be able to help you guys: https://4drclanforum.com/threads/mario-kart-wii-tier-list.1364/ https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/boards/942008-mario-kart-wii/60063231

Modifié par l'auteur 5 years ago

oh no ;-( thank