Hollow Knight speedrun setup (March 2023)
Hollow Knight speedrun setup (March 2023)
Mis à jour 1 year ago par Seikent

There are other guides for the same purpose, but they are partially out of date, which can be particularly frustrating due to the incompatible versions of the components needed.

Lep created two videos taking this issue into consideration that should guide you to the correct places to find the latest updates and the general steps in the setup.

Downpatching and create clean separate installations:

Installing mods for practice:

Statistiques du jeu
Dernières actualités
NMG Rule Changes: Water clipping, airwalk clarification & penalties
  • The airwalk rule has been clarified to include maintaining Sprintmaster walking speed midair as an example of illegal benefit.
  • A rule has been added to clearly ban clipping underwater.
  • Guidelines have been added for major glitches that save less than 1 second and provide no other benefits to r
1 month ago
Derniers fils de discussion
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