Tiles - Beta Keys And A Challenge
7 years ago
Iowa, USA

Hi there everyone, I've always thought speedrunning was very cool even though I never got in to it myself. I am about to release my first game on steam and all throughout the level design process I thought to myself, if someone gets very good at this game they will be able to complete this level much faster by doing XYZ. It could possibly be a good game for speedrunning if people get in to it enough.

Tiles is set to release on March 20th, even though it is categorized as a puzzle game many of the levels are not puzzles at all and are instead more about speed and timing. Here's a link to the steam page for more info. http://store.steampowered.com/app/594750/

So to keep this short and sweet, because I think this community is really cool I would like to give beta keys to anyone who is interested. Also, as for the challenge part of it, if anyone actually manages to post a run of the game I will award a $50 cash prize (via PayPal) to the first person to do so :)

Here's 25 keys to start with, please post if you take one so I can mark it off. B̶D̶T̶6̶Z̶-̶5̶I̶L̶W̶H̶-̶F̶K̶8̶D̶M̶ R̶5̶7̶F̶G̶-̶8̶F̶G̶W̶F̶-̶A̶Y̶P̶E̶E̶ P̶R̶6̶7̶4̶-̶B̶C̶E̶A̶5̶-̶5̶L̶A̶N̶F̶ 5̶G̶K̶K̶K̶-̶M̶L̶K̶R̶F̶-̶3̶K̶D̶P̶5̶ 4̶V̶2̶M̶0̶-̶8̶D̶V̶D̶Y̶-̶A̶H̶G̶E̶P̶ G̶6̶B̶Q̶V̶-̶P̶W̶D̶J̶5̶-̶X̶K̶2̶2̶P̶ AF968-QAFCB-60YPY Z̶Q̶I̶H̶M̶-̶3̶2̶2̶5̶0̶-̶F̶5̶V̶5̶4̶ C̶G̶9̶I̶K̶-̶N̶L̶J̶3̶X̶-̶V̶3̶W̶G̶W̶ BF6E4-GT8KA-KTEMH F̶P̶M̶6̶Q̶-̶2̶W̶W̶G̶4̶-̶R̶A̶Q̶N̶V̶ 9̶8̶B̶2̶C̶-̶5̶5̶6̶E̶7̶-̶W̶0̶R̶B̶G̶ D̶4̶4̶8̶B̶-̶H̶M̶2̶F̶J̶-̶A̶K̶K̶W̶6̶ V̶Y̶J̶G̶P̶-̶J̶5̶D̶T̶K̶-̶C̶2̶V̶Q̶3̶ 5̶E̶H̶L̶R̶-̶Q̶W̶6̶4̶J̶-̶8̶G̶6̶Q̶J̶ 08257-RPR56-F0HF3 6̶6̶H̶T̶Y̶-̶L̶2̶C̶2̶2̶-̶P̶N̶Z̶R̶Y̶ BPINP-QFVLX-NRZHF 76RVV-4X57J-3DD4K V̶9̶H̶C̶P̶-̶6̶V̶X̶H̶8̶-̶F̶Z̶G̶N̶F̶ 8̶G̶C̶A̶V̶-̶R̶F̶K̶P̶P̶-̶P̶F̶L̶H̶Z̶ 04XLN-MB47V-JPZ72 V̶J̶T̶D̶R̶-̶5̶4̶P̶W̶P̶-̶A̶L̶J̶6̶0̶ F̶E̶7̶Y̶5̶-̶3̶A̶J̶V̶L̶-̶7̶J̶Z̶R̶F̶ 8̶M̶7̶4̶L̶-̶9̶Y̶C̶I̶W̶-̶K̶E̶J̶Y̶L̶

Thanks, I hope you enjoy my game.

Edit: Well, the challenge has been complete! https://www.speedrun.com/run/0y6k71jz

Modifié par l'auteur 7 years ago
He/Him, It/Its
7 years ago

I took the last one (8M74L-9YCIW-KEJYL).

The game seems interesting, i'll give it a try.


Iowa, USA

Thanks, I hope you enjoy :)

United States

I took 66HTY-L2C22-PNZRY

Thank you for the key! After seeing the game I'll definitely try it out.

Iowa, USA

cool cool, hope you enjoy it bullets.

United States

Took second to last! Ill defiantly get working on that speedrun lol

Iowa, USA

Nice james, and good luck. I had the Gyoo on discord ask me why I would just take the first run as the winner, and the reason is because I would be impressed just to see someone beat all the levels in one session... The final page of levels is quite hard :P. So I'm essentially rewarding the first person to show me a video of them beating the game.

Plus then if somebody has done a run it can be listed on the site as a game to run which would be awesome :D


I got "ZQIHM-32250-F5V54". Looks interesting! Thanks!

French Southern Territories

I took the one 'G6BQV-PWDJ5-XK22P' Thank you :^)

Iowa, USA

Sounds good, hope you enjoy!


I watched PackSciences stream and I think the color choices in this game are suspiciously close to Tyler, a 1995 vintage WIndows game I played when I was a little kid. It makes me think you, the developer, were inspired by the same game?


PackSciences aiment ceci
Iowa, USA

Oh, well thanks for the comparison but no I've never seen that game before. The color choices are fairly straight forward though, it's just the primary and secondary colors on a color wheel (tweeked to be more visually appealing though).

By the way, did you grab a key? Feel free to if you haven't yet.


Alright, I got it VJTDR-54PWP-ALJ60 Don't know if I will try the whole game, but I'll check it sometime

Iowa, USA

Sure thing, sounds good.

United States

I grabbed one of the keys in the middle- 5EHLR-QW64J-8G6QJ

edit: Well, I was going to try the runthrough... but attempting to capture the game fails, giving a white screen or whatever windows are behind it. Looks like a fun game though, it'll be nice to be able to go through on my own time instead of trying to rush through all at once.. again. (I've done it with a few puzzle games now)

Modifié par l'auteur 7 years ago
Iowa, USA

Hmm, that's interesting. PackSciences also had a similar issue when using OBS, but the he switched to XSplit and it worked fine.


I took"V9HCP-6VXH8-FZGNF", thank you :D



Thanks for this


Tip for anyone struggling with sections that require you to move very quickly: You can move with both the WASD and direction keys, and inputs will stack AND be buffered in a queue.