Death Warping and how it can/will be used
2 years ago

In certain missions (haven't been fully able to figure out yet what triggers it and if there is a way to get it every time), you can death warp to the next objective by intentionally suiciding and pressing W instead of SPACE in the death screen will instantly warp you to the next objective. The only mission i got it working 4/4 times was when you have to find Veronika. Suicided in Old Villedor, pressed W, spawned right outside her doors.

Anyone else found a way how to get this more consistently?

BOZAK_115 aiment ceci

As far as I can tell, W-warping seems to teleport you to the next mission objective fairly consistently if you die from a fall shortly after your objective changes. In same cases (the most prominent one I observed was immediately after getting out of the prologue and trying to death warp to the church) this doesn't apply, though, and I'm uncertain of what condition triggers it.

It likely has to do with what the game considers a "story point"; my guess would be it involves any time Aiden speaks to people, so my working theory is that the game will warp you to the last place you spoke to someone related to a story quest unless doing so would revert an objective, in which case it warps you to the location of the next person you need to speak to.

United States

Just needs to be a whole category for it

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