5.57 omnigamer
6 years ago
Tasmania, Australia

Can we all just congratulate omnigamer getting a 5.57? This is an insane achievement and I hope this gets picked up on by twin galaxies for being the "real world record." Congrats man, you've definitely earned it

blueYOSHI, namesnipes et 15 autres aime ceci
Texas, USA

You know that they are going to protect that fraud until the end of time.

United States

Even if it weren't on emulator TwinGalaxies would find a way to defend Todd.

Congrats to Omni on the score. It's awesome to see all the research pay off.

I'm hoping to adopt this strategy to attempt 5.57 myself now.

Modifié par l'auteur 6 years ago
Victoria, Australia

From the TAS with the shit ton of documentation to the RTA with the same and impossible to update information as it's factually shows everything possible.

Omni you did a bloody terrific job mate. Hope you give another game hell for both a TAS and RTA that you can find. Maybe something like an Arcade game like Drag Race. :P

Just take this next part as joke. Even though it's true in every way.

Just because Steve Sanders bullshitted his high-score of Donkey Kong means that TwinGalaxies should take down Todd Rogers' falsified time. SMH. Talk about double standards there TwinGalaxies keeping that time up. You're proving that being a fraud is A-OK. (and if I destroyed my post just by adding that bit... well... ¯_(ツ)_/¯)

Modifié par l'auteur 6 years ago
Pennsylvania, USA

I'm glad that someone was able to take down the real 35 year record that's been tied numerous times since, 5.61 is an understandably fast time considering that the analysis required to understand how faster was would not have been possible without deconstructing the game. Speedrunning has come a long way, and this run proved it. I want your book in hard back when it comes out my dude

British Columbia, Canada

speedrunners don't use twin galaxies as much anymore. Not since andrewg broke their rules in 2007 and got a 5:00.6 with gitch usage (5 second wr at the time).

Texas, USA

The point is that Twin Galaxies used to be sponsored by Guinness (and some of their records still are). Todd has become a laughing stock in the gaming community. His Dragster "record" in Dragster on TG is still recognized by Guinness as the longest standing WR.


Kentucky, USA

what a dipshit record

United States

You know, instead of shit talking Twin Galaxies, you can ask them 'how do you know that Todd Rogers got a 5.51', and if he didn't then only one he could have gotten, that was different, was a 5.57. I understand you guys are very skeptical of his time, though it would be nice if you could provide evidence to Twin Galaxies instead of just saying that the time is rigged and if you have, why bother caring about what TG thinks when you have proof that the time is wrong? TG is a known website, but it doesn't make everything there verifiable.

Congrats to OmniGamer anyways.

Modifié par l'auteur 6 years ago
Texas, USA

At the time, it was thought that it was possible. I suspect that he pulled it off in this manner:

I should preface this by saying that at the time, to my knowledge, Todd's (possibly former) SO was also a Twin Galaxies judge.

It was alleged that Todd pulled it off three times. Once in front of Activision, once at an event (no video evidence was presented) and once in front of a TG judge who provided the verification.

Here's how I think he pulled off the greatest scam in speedrunning today.

Similar to Billy Mitchell's DK record, there was a time that he (Billy) was "playing it" in front of a crowd while he was in another room. He (Billy) used direct capture to feed his attempt to the crowd. I believe that it was in this manner that Rogers managed to pull off a 5.51 three times while playing the game once.


The magic of VHS tapes allows a preservation of a performance while being physically tangent enough to destroy after you are done with it. He recorded the first run and "got" a 5.51 on VHS tape. This was the run that was "verified" by TG. But when Activision came knocking on his door, he set up a rig that isn't too dissimilar to Billy Mitchell's and played the VHS tape. Then came the event. Again, he set up a rig that isn't too dissimilar to Billy Mitchell's and played the VHS tape.

Now, thinking that he was done with it, he burned the tape and entered the score with TG with his SO as the judge who verified the record.

Fast forward 30+ years, and this mess started.

United States

That theory might be a bigger load of crap than the 5.51 itself.

DyeTrader aiment ceci

Love seein' all them silver trophies again.


Also love that he made an account just to post the time.

Texas, USA

Might be, Baylock. But even the possibility that Todd Rogers pulled a Billy Mitchell is very likely given the fact that his record was referee verified and not without video proof like the others.


I'm doubtful that proper verification was done at any point for the 5.51 record. Sure Todd Rogers says it was done in front of multiple parties but that's just his word. Verified by referee status in TG doesn't always mean that it's true either since some of their records were copied at some point from multiple sources after their own record database ("spiral notebook") was destroyed.

Victoria, Australia

Just to point out. Omni's TAS got Console Verified. Well at least just Player 1's input. (YouTube Version)

Pretty much just validating the two emu 5.57 runs that are on the board at this point in time.

Modifié par l'auteur 6 years ago
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