Mods is allowed to speedrunning? (Only Graphics i Fixes).
Lubelskie, Poland

I had record a passage to my speedrun for Metal Gear Rising, but in there I had had mods: Simple Camera Mod and Better VR-Missions Bodies Mod. And now the question comes to my mind: Are mods allowed in SpeedRunning? (Not those that provide any benefits, but those that are only cosmetic and fix the game).

Edited by the author 2 months ago

Generally, if the game rules don't explicitly say that a mod is allowed, you should assume it's not. Even cosmetic only mods tend to be frowned upon, since there's always a chance that modifying the game could have unexpected side effects that give you an unfair advantage in a run, especially if you have no idea what you're doing (or worse, the mod creator has no idea what they're doing) while messing around with the game files.

Camera mod sounds like something that could technically give an advantage even if it doesn't strictly make the game faster, I would be wary of using anything like that personally. You'll have to ask in the forum for that specific game though, every game has its own rules on this sort of thing.

Edited by the author 2 months ago
United Kingdom

In theory, any mods alter the game code and may impact the gameplay.