How to unlock game modes
5 years ago
North Carolina, USA

I'm a newbie at vvvvvv and have it for my 3d's and wanna know how to unlock game modes. When ever I select one of the game modes it turns grey and it stays that color

Editado por el autor 5 years ago
Ohio, USA

There are multiple ways to unlock all game modes. Unlocking Flip Mode merely requires you to beat the game. To unlock the all the time trials and the secret lab you can beat the game with all 20 trinkets. Unlocking the intermissions also only requires beating them iirc. Finally, unlocking No Death Mode requires you to reach at least rank S on at least 4 separate time trials. … of course if you wanted to you could always go to “game options,” and choose “unlock game modes,” but that’s less fun and gets you less practice

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North Carolina, USA

There is a player's level button so I'm assuming you can make levels but how?


There's a level editor built in to the PC version (not sure about 3DS), or there's also the free Make & Play Edition which allows you to make and play custom levels, but not the main game.

North Carolina, USA

Well it appears as if 3d's players cannot make levels rip