New to speedrunning this, inital setup
6 years ago
Ohio, USA

Hi there, i have seen several speedruns of this game and would like to do it myself, i have the game on PC but my load times seem to be pretty slow and was wondering what you guys use to make your game run as fast and smooth as possible Thanks!

South Yorkshire, England

I suggest you use the Lucas Mod Launcher from the Donut team found here Also, set your Simpsons.exe within task manager to use just 1 of your cores within the affinity tab.

Ohio, USA

I have tried using the launcher you said to, the times were better but i have seen some runners who's load times are almost instant ?


They are probably using an SSD, having good specs also helps with this games loading times as the higher your fps the faster it loads. That being said load times are mostly irrelevant cause you should be using the load remover on pc.

Editado por el autor 6 years ago
Derry, Northern Ireland

as long as your computer is capable of running the game at a reasonable FPS, recording and/or streaming the game, running livesplit and using the load remover component at the same time then all is good

Sadly y rodge les gusta esto
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