RE7 Moderation Issues
6 years ago
United States

I want to start this out by saying that I have no intention of kicking up a ton of needless drama with this thread, but I know that controversial topics can easily become a hotbed for that kind of thing and while it truly isn’t the intention it seems inevitable with the content of this thread. I simply want to bring up some of the issues that I have been hearing from many of the members of this community, explain the community engagement issue, and suggest a thing or two that would help the situation.

I think it’s time to address the issues that the RE7 running community generally has with the mods. I’m not just saying things that I have issues with, though on certain fronts I agree, but these are things that many of the currently active runners are discussing with each other. We had the big moderation post 2 months ago, I know it says 1 month but it’s only 3 days off from 2 full months. That thread ended up sort of just, silencing everyone, kind of. What it really did was make it very uncomfortable on the RE7 SRC page and on the RE Discord for RE7 runners. If you look at the forums, we’ve only had a few threads created since then. This isn’t because RE7 running is dead, there are a number of people that are running it every day, others who run a few times a week, and some that pop in every once in a while. It isn’t because the community isn’t really a community, almost all of the currently active runners are sharing strats and discussing the game other places. It really comes down to the fact that a lot of the RE7 runners feel like we are not allowed to have a voice here.

I want to make a point here by talking about Psarthex. He has been running this game basically since release, the earliest run I think he submitted was from 2 weeks after the game released. When the big “music on the runs” topic was being discussed he was vocal about his opinion. Go back and read his posts, he states his thoughts and questions and in the end just calls for coherency/consistency in the moderation process. Shortly after that thread, he proof called Punchy, before he was a mod, because a run was accepted with muted audio. In that thread, Psarthex asked if the music/muted rule was relevant still and while it was snarky in saying it, asking a question when a run is accepted after that much debate went on about the topic doesn’t seem like a dick move. What he did was call out the mod that verified the muted run for missing something that existed for approximately half the run. At the end, he said [quote=Psarthex] Oy, don't get me wrong Carci, I wasn't looking for holes (I'd apply to be mod if I wanted so) neither was I trying to trashtalk on your back, sometimes I just take a quick peak on other's run and I noticed that. So I was just curious[/quote] After this he posted some glitches, responded to other runners threads, and then came the Run Category SUGGESTION thread. This was what sparked the eventual Gyoo thread. If you go back and re-read this, Psarthex engages in this discussion by helping to make his points about a guest house only category. Now, the discussion about this has taken place already in the Gyoo thread, and Punchy since said [quote=SuccinctAndPunchy] I acted like kind of an asshole in that thread for basically no reason. Complete fuck-up on my part, I forget I represent more than just myself sometimes.[/quote] but in that thread a mod calls Psarthex and asshole and then says [quote=SuccinctAndPunchy] psar, literally all you've ever done is act like a dickhead to every single person who moderates this game endlessly and wondering why you're not gaining much traction with anything. Just stop posting.

I'm sorry being told how it is makes you uncomfortable and bitchy. And serious lol if you think my moderation has anything to do with the activity of the game. I'm also pretty sure this is still the most active game on sr.c so you're wrong on multiple different levels.

P.S Your stream layout and thumbnails are garbage and verifying your runs is physically painful for me.

Thread locked. This is going nowhere.[/quote]

Psarthex was a runner who had to this point only brought up his opinions and questioned things that he thought was wrong. In every case before this moment he ended up basically saying he understood, or that even if he didn’t agree that he would deal. He also had not been incredibly rude with any of the mod team, he honestly just voiced his thoughts and opinions without being a troll or acting like a dick. The first time he did anything of the sort, was posting the meme that many runners think was an accurate representation of how we felt at the time in that thread. After this, Psarthex did start trolling with memes in his thumbnails or videos. This came after being provoked by the moderation team. His runs became controversial and when he had an issue with a run that could have been easily explained with the rules he had the infamous rejection: [quote=SuccinctAndPunchy]Your 1h 46m 52s run in Resident Evil 7: Biohazard – Knife Only – PC, Easy has been rejected. Reason: CarcinogenSDA: reject until he quits being a buttbaby tbh[/quote]

So, why bring up all this history with Psarthex. Because Psarthex could have been any of the runners. No one trusts posting things here because look at how Psarthex was treated and how he continues to be treated. It’s incredibly unfair how he is now looked at like some malicious individual while the situation was created by the mods. Now, I know that after that we had the claims that he sent people to harass Carci and Punchy, but if you watch and listen in his video he never sends anyone to those channels. He does tell his chat, when they ask him, what happened and the names of the mods. He does tell his viewers to give Punchy a message in his own chat in his video. And since, I won’t even pretend like Psarthex doesn’t take the opportunity to meme about the mods in his streams and in chat. Ultimately, this type of leadership from our mods has made it difficult for people to want to be engaged where the mods are at. Especially, since outside of these issues with the mods, Psarthex is a great part of this community. He regularly shares strats and helps runners with slower PB’s to learn routing or boss strats.

The next point, which is incredibly important as well, is that we have ten mods and only one of them is active, and one is semi active. Half of the mods log in so little that they qualify to be removed by the community under Gyoo’s inactive moderator guidelines. The other 3, don’t do a lot in regard to verifying runs or appearing to be active in RE7 anymore. There was that time, early, when the game was being run to death that we had more mods being active, but that hasn’t been the case in months. This is an issue with a lot of the currently active runners. We want our mods to be active. I think everyone understands that not every mod needs to be on all the time, but the overall inactivity is terrible. The overall inactivity also leads to other issues, like we have happening right now. Over a week ago, Psarthex, yes we bring him up again, submitted a WR 100% run on PC on the same night that my 100% WR run was verified by Punchy. Since, 10 runners have had 12 pb’s verified, but Psarthex’s WR run still sits unverified. When he asked Maxylobes about verification for the run, he was told it may take a day or two longer until someone familiar with 100% could verify the run. Punchy has been on and verified 10 of the pb’s and Carci has verified 2 over the last week, and Punchy is the same mod that verified my 100% run. If this isn’t a personal grudge against him, it certainly appears that Psarthex is having his run ignored for personal reasons. This is a legit run, I went over it with him afterwards and verified that the run was actually a legit run in case that may have been what was holding it up. Many of the other active runners have seen or know about his run, and many of them have problems with a WR run being ignored because of personal issues, because again, this could have been any of us. In fact, when I mentioned bringing up any of the issues that I am talking about here with a few of the other guys, each of them told me to be careful because, “You’ll never have any of your runs verified again.” It’s depressing and discouraging that this is the attitude of many of the people running this game.

I understand that what I’m saying may set off the people moderating this game and I find it unfortunate that this situation has gotten to this point but I’m only expressing how a lot of the active RE7 runners feel. When I hear other guys/gals basically saying that being an RE7 runner on the RE discord feels like a badge of shame I think it’s messed up.

So as I said in the opening paragraph here, I have some suggestions. The first is that we cut the mods that qualify to be removed based on Gyoo’s post here, . In addition, I think that any mod that is letting personal issues get in the way of doing their job need to either need to work through that problem and start fresh or remove themselves from moderation. I also suggest that we get a new mod from the community that is going to be active and engage the community in a way that promotes the community.

I’m fully aware that the likelihood of this next statement is likely crushed by the content of this thread, but I would like the opportunity to become a mod. I have been actively pushing for this community to come together for some time. Ask any of the WR holders and most of the people that are submitting runs and they can verify that statement. I already watch nearly every run that gets verified and in many cases, have seen them streamed live already. I have the software to check the audio for discrepancies and already know how that works and what to look for. I know the requirements of every run in RE7. I’m very engaged in this community and I feel strongly about it. It’s why I felt this thread was necessary. It’s why I am voicing what they, and I, feel about the state of things right now. I don’t have personal issues against any of the mods and I believe we could work well together. There are other members of the community that have mentioned that they would also like to be a mod in the case where the inactive ones were removed and I’m certain if you made it available they would reveal themselves.

I also want to add, that I decided at one point to discuss this privately with the mods, after typing this whole thread out. I had messaged one of them about an hour ago and planned to talk to them when ever they were available, but the post Carci just made on the RE discord further proves my point, and pushed my decision to make this visible to everyone.

Editado por el autor 6 years ago
Unbound_selrahc, SpHipnoTiik y 10 otros les gusta esto
United Kingdom

Whilst I don't want to get involved with this much at all past this post, I will say that, like I've always said, job of a moderator isn't simply to verify runs but also participate in everything that makes the game on

I demodded myself a while ago because I no longer wished to have much, if anything, to do with this game. It wasn't because of anything else I just didn't wish to devote time to RE7 anymore. Simple as.

I do agree a few of the mods should probably be changed up. One questionable choice is Distortion2. The guy has done a lot for RE7, he fronted a lot of the strats most people probably still use in the game to today... but it's been made quite clear I think in the past that the guy doesn't use -- a lot of his runs are actually submitted by his fans. So it's kinda odd why he was added. Good guy, good player, but the mod choice is kinda.... weird.

edit: Nevermind, lot of the mods got cleared up as this got posted, pretty much. lol

Editado por el autor 6 years ago

Hi everyone,

First of all, I am not a runner, have nothing to do with RE7 and I am no a english native.

I follow speedrun for quite some years now. The first run of RE7 I watch was a the ESA 2017, on the french restream, because I love the watch events with friends.

Since this ESA, lot of funny, or not so funny memes have bein add to the speedrunning lore.

I soon begin to follow some RE7 speedrunners and what I hear since is quite disgusting.

I never see that on any other community, this problem describe here. Because I already see run taking quite some time, behind review, because the guy is alone, to verify 6 hours runs and maybe he has other things to do in his life. Of course I do not pretend to have witness every one, also. What I saw for the moment in the speedrunning world, it's lot of peoples wishes to help each other and lot of very open community.

The only thing I have to say, do something before you become some laughingstock, who has no valor and respect for his peers. Wishes it or not, peoples looking at you.

This was a message from a once moderator of a web-platforming, writer and games lovers.


I understand some of the concerns about moderation. Some afk mods have been removed and I'm hoping that in the future the mods will not mix their personal views with their job here.

Psarthex, Rossrossy y 3 otros les gusta esto
United States

Thank you zenix for the response. I apologize for taking a while to respond but I was on a trip with my family and was unable to get back to you quicker. I also wanted to wait and hear from the various people running the game so that I could make sure that I wasn’t just coming back with a response from only myself. It’s part of why there haven’t been a lot of “shitposts” or extra posts on this thread, I’m taking what the active community is saying and voicing it for all of us. @Prawnik675, many of the members of this community do respect zenix, myself included. Respect is a big part of what we are talking about here. There is a clear lack of respect from some of the mods towards this community. I am not saying that it hasn’t been returned to them, but I am saying it has been seen by many in the RE7 community.

It’s a good sign seeing that some of the inactive mods have been removed. It is maybe a little confusing to some as to why the mod who hasn’t been on in five months remains. Not saying that there isn’t a reasonable explanation for it but it is something that we are interested in understanding. Seeing as how the game has only existed for seven months, it just seems strange to keep someone who has been away for nearly all of it.

[quote=zenix] I'm hoping that in the future the mods will not mix their personal views with their job here.[/quote] The only issue here is that we hoped for this already. When the last thread about moderation happened, it was Carcinogen and SuccinctAndPunchy that were at the center of the moderation issues. It has been two months since that thread and we are back with the same two moderators being at the center of this issue. The part I outlined above deals directly with them allowing personal issues to get in the way of moderating this game. Both of them have given attitude to more than just Psarthex, mind you never towards myself, and they have represented the moderation team in a negative way.

It’s difficult, as a RE7 runner, not to be offended and wonder why in the world Punchy would want to be a mod for RE7 when he goes out and tweets [quote=SuccinctAndPunchy]The only thing I’m really learning from this thread is that RE7 runners are garbage humans[/quote] At what point is something like that going to make myself or any of the other RE7 runners have faith in him as our mod. For the sake of context, because context is important, it should be noted that this was posted the same day as the previous moderation issues thread. As for Punchy deciding not to verify Psarthex’s run recently, there is a post on the SRC forums that discusses good moderating, while it isn't their post, Gyoo and ROMaster2 had a hand in its creation, and in this post it says “no runs should be rejected for anything other than gameplay. If they have an annoying voice, you don’t like their LiveSplit background or you simply think they are an arsehole, then you have to accept it.” This goes for Carci as well. The message on the RE discord the I mentioned at the end of my original post here was this [quote=Carcinogen] anyone else want to verify psarthex's RE7 run? I really really don't want to watch it apparently it's been sitting in the queue for like 8 days, but it doesn't matter, i don't like the guy so i don't want to interact with any of his content[/quote] I’m sorry, but again, this personal crap should not be blocking his ability to moderate this game. I had someone that saw the post yesterday send me a timestamped link to Carci’s stream the other day when another RE7 runner asked Carci about something unrelated to Psarthex, in fact they were inquiring about being a mod on SRC, and Carci told him he didn’t want to talk about anything SRC related while he was working. This runner apologized immediately for bringing it up. He was unaware that Carci had issues with talking about SRC while he streamed, as anyone that doesn’t watch Carci’s streams would. Then Carci goes into a small rant about Psarthex. [quote=Carcinogen] Any inquiries about should be done when I am not on stream. I have told Psarthex this millions of times, actually only three times, but it may as well be millions of times, and he still doesn’t get it.[/quote] I’m 100% in agreeance that what gets talked about in your stream and in your chat is up to you. I’m not saying that he should be forced to talk about SRC during his streams, I myself have in prior streams added text to my layout that says “NO SRC DRAMA” because it shouldn’t carry over into things. This had nothing to do with Psarthex, but this problem with him is bleeding over into other runners because of an unrelated question?

I’ve heard in RE discord, on these forums, and elsewhere that the RE speedrunning community, not just RE7, always seems toxic. Many of the runners use that term to describe our moderation team, actually. I guess what we are saying is maybe it isn’t the community as much as some of the people “leading” it. So, maybe I made a mistake in conveying in my original post here specifically what people are wanting in regards to Carci and Punchy, in part because I softened it a little. Now, this isn’t every RE7 runners opinion here, I’m not claiming that it is, but it does represent the attitudes, thoughts, and opinions of most of the currently active ones. What it comes down to is that Carci and Punchy need to be removed as moderators. Their second chance was after the previous moderation issues thread was created. How many times will this topic need to be made before it’s clear. I’m going to share another part of that thread I mentioned before, the one that Gyoo and ROMaster2 had a hand in [quote] Are you feeling powerful with that red/green sword next to your name? Well, you shouldn’t be. One of the golden rules when it comes to game moderation is: “You do not decide for the community, the community decides for you.” Or alternatively: “You are a representative of the community, not the ruler.”[/quote] We feel that it’s time for new representation.

Editado por el autor 6 years ago
Jakasmo, Unbound_selrahc y 6 otros les gusta esto
Missouri, USA

I've decided to make a post here for "contextual" reasons and to give an example of the problem that exists here. First and foremost I know that there are a lot of runners playing different versions and all vary from different creeds, colors, and age groups. I dont get involved in a lot of discussions like this tbh because honestly (and I mean this with no disrespect) a lot of you are still kids. Not kids as in you are babies, but compared to my are just low level in life still. I have a 15 year old son who i expect to be more involved in online stuff etc. Zgl is probably the only other person I know that can personally relate to me on this level. Stay with me here because there is a point to all of this.

^now that thats out of the way.

Being older, I am not "savy" to as much as I probably should be. When i was gaming at most of your ages Laura Croft had triangle boobs and this was exciting. We played games by ourselves not online. I was very against online gaming for a very long time...just didnt understand the need to have a 12 year old tell me to go f¤¤ my mother or what not, however, times have changed, so have I, and my gaming experiences are stepping out into new areas I never thought a person of my age ever would.

So one day I saw a video by UhTrance (sorry if i mispelled your tag) and he was speedrunning Redisnt Evil 7 and I saw my time wasnt complete garbage next to the World Recods or what not but in my mind "this is a PC" thing...bummer. I say all this because I didn't even know that there was the ability to speed run on PS4 until six months ago. That's how new to this I am. Again stay with me this is important for context.

My friend asked me what the world record was for PS4 and I said I had no idea I didn't even know there was one. So I checked and saw that there was and decided to start Speed running Resident Evil 7. Not sure but I can't remember what place it was but I cannot tell you the excitement I used to have when I found out I was number 107 in the world! Fuck me running I was hot shit! I bragged about it at work to all my friends and coworkers. It was awesome. Once I made my way up to the top 70 or 60 mr. Santos contacted me and congratulated me as did a few other runners. This is when I began to get my first sense of the community. I don't know what was more amazing the fact that I was climbing this large ladder of world rankings, or the fact that the other speedrunners in this category were actually rooting me on. To my knowledge this would have been a cut-throat thing, very competitive and every man for himself. I started studying and people were sharing strats with me. It was slowly becoming the best gaming experience of my life, I was now part of something.

Then I was invited into a group where we chat and share strats, Give opinions, shoot the shit with each other, and try to push each other to be the best gamer we can possibly be and bring the best out in each other. So I would keep running and I would keep using to submit my runs and then go back and we would all talk about it.

This is where the problem starts. Through all of this context up above I forgot to mention one thing....ewww I hate Psarthex. Did I also mention that he plays on PC, I have never talked to him once, I have never watched a single one of his streams, but he was a piece of shit troll that I wanted nothing to do with. What a travesty this is because let me make very clear that I have become very good friends with Psarthex the past 3 weeks. It breaks my heart because I realized that I didn't like Psarthex purely because the moderation team taught me to hate Psarthex. This is where the leadership of this community has to hold itself to some kind of standard. Let me also make very clear I have zero issues with any mods on this game, in fact I love them and I thank them and they have never lacked in the area of verifying one of my runs. In fact my world record was just verified 12 hours after I submitted it #inb4Psarthex8dayslater.

My point in all of this is that I just realized that what I do with these other Runners outside of this website is actually what we're supposed to be doing on this website but we don't because other people are scared to do it here. I look at these other Runners is almost kids of my own, we all have a love for one another and they show me respect back which I think I've earned. I don't see a lot of other 36 year old men who can't see with arthritis that are three time world record holders and two of them still stand. However being old doesn't make me perfect and I was plain and simple flat out just as much of a victim of online bullying and slander as Psarthex was. I almost lost a chance to gain a relationship with a very good person because I was taught to hate him from the ones that are in charge of this website. I didn't realize that then however moderators have the power to accept or reject my runs. When I would see the moderators spewing hate at Psarthex I wanted to stay as far away from that as possible because surely he is an idiot troll that has nothing better to do than cause drama. Your words impact other people way more than you think they do. The way you handle things affect others way more than you think you do.

I don't even know if the people that are in charge of this community even want to be a part of this community because I've honestly never even talked to any of them. However there is a large group of us out here doing work and communicating about this game every day for hours. If the people in charge of this community don't have the want to, or let alone the maturity or leadership skills necessary to help this community grow, then I suggest some others like myself, or zgl, or many others who are very active in this community should be given a chance to try. In the last 2-3 weeks I've seen more progress made in this game than I have in the last six months that I grinded to the top on here. This is purely due to a community that has began to regrow and Thrive outside of but the sad thing is no one on this moderator list is inTHAT community... you can agree or disagree I'm just saying. There I said my peace, if you don't like it honestly I don't give a fuck but I do truly hope that someone out there listens to this because if you don't you're only proving my point that nobody in charge here cares about anyone here but themselves.

Unbound_selrahc, Jakasmo y 6 otros les gusta esto

the reason Psarthex's run was ignored for that long was not a personal grudge in my case, but purely that 100% is kind of tedious to verify? Like, it's a lot stupider than a personal grudge I just kind of procrastinated on it and wanted to play Silent Hill 3 a lot instead. Sorry, I kind of just quietly kept hoping someone else would do it.

the explanation is a lot stupider than a personal grudge, it's just specifically that category is a bit annoying to verify because of how the counters work so I kept putting it off. It still only took like, a week to get verified.

I'm kinda surprised anyone thinks it's a personal grudge? Psarthex got absolutely everything else submitted verified even when he learned absolutely nothing from the last thread and continued to include shitty pointless potshots at me in his layouts and on Discord and stuff and I kind of just, let it go? It's actually almost funny that the instant I slip up and get a wee bit procastinaty with my modding stuff, the immediate conclusion is that I'm holding beef and should be removed, that's a little weird considering I've otherwise just kinda eaten it.

That being said, it is kind of true that it's not fantastic that if I decide to do basically anything else besides verify everything then stuff just doesn't wind up being verified at all. We do have a handful of mods that basically do jack so adding new ones is a fine idea. Hell, the entire reason I joined in the first place was run verification was intolerably, interminably slow and I hated it. I'm satisfied that I keep things moving, but I'm not perfect and I have lazy days or I get sick or am unavailable and stuff so it's probably not fantastic that the bulk of verification runs on my whims. Add zgl imo. He seems cool.


Badda ding, +1 mod.


Hi SuccinctAndPunchy,

We all do stupid thing in ours life. But when you do some in public, do not be surprise if peoples bring it back and joke about it. Eventually they forgot and passe to a new meme :) They like the review of the year, at the end of one. Lot of artist and public personality are parody. You then have 80% of them that find that cool and laugh at it, some even found that a honor of being parody. Then you have the other 20% that criticize the organisation, complaining etc.. we all forgot the 80%, so all the year only the 20% are always present in our mind.

I personalty stop behind mod, cause I take everything personal, giving my 300%, was never enough and was becoming the axis of evil in the eyes of peoples. My client average age was over 50, they didn't know the difference between a moderator and a administrator. To add a layer, they where French :O But hey, I survive, I grow from all this experience and never going to do the work of everybody alone. When you are the prosecutor, the judge and the executioner, peoples are right to think that you are a senseless double-minded. And trust me, I know that feeling, where you can do nothing to prove otherwise.

have a nice day.

United States

@zgl Please put yourself in my shoes for a minute.

Twitch is my fulltime job. Imagine what happens when someone comes up to your place of work to try to stir up unrelated drama, try to get people who are watching you to care about said drama (spoiler alert, it didn't actually work), and generally get in the way of me trying to do my job, which is to entertain my viewers? I take it very personally when that happens. I'm sure you can't imagine what that's like because streaming and speedrunning is a hobby for you. Consequently, that means I have to keep my fucking head down. I made that mistake previously when I got upset that Psarthex was being a dick to Punchy and I paid for it, but it's gone on long enough.

I'm not going to defend myself over the things I did because the bottom line is, Psarthex is a literal sociopath and I want as little to do with him as possible. He wants to fucking take jabs at me at every possible opportunity, and bring drama between us where it doesn't belong, such as my fucking stream, where I have banned him because I don't want to fucking talk to him there or even anywhere else.

That being said, so the fuck what if I don't want to watch his video, that's why I asked other people in that chat who were moderators if they'd do it. That's why there are multiple moderators. This, by the way, was after he sent me $5 on paypal while I was live to subtly play the "Well you're not doing your job" card. He wanted to send a message to me that he was not beyond bringing drama to my job. As a matter of fact, I refunded the money he sent me because he could have initiated a chargeback and cost me another $20 if he wanted to.

Consequently, if he is trying to stir up unrelated drama in my stream, as he has done by getting his viewers to come to my stream to harrass me about it once before, I don't want him around me.

I'm convinced by now that Psarthex gets off on being in positions where people can't ignore him because he wants to deliberately make things difficult and is not interested in making them better. It's working, because here I am, but the bottom line is, I don't have time to deal with that shit.

As for that other guy who came asking about moderator privileges which SOMEBODY clipped, once again, that happened on the same day Psarthex sent me that donation. You'll forgive me if MAYBE I was a little suspicious that maybe some people were deliberately trying to sabotage me. I would have just banned him, but I wanted to give him the benefit of a doubt. Even more interesting, I have to wonder who was lurking in my stream to clip that exact moment, and why they were there to clip it. They went back for the timestamp in an otherwise frankly unremarkable section of gameplay and to went to show it to their friends afterall.

That being said, grats, you're a moderator now, you deal with him. RE7 is a big game, way bigger than any board I've moderated, and frankly, not everyone is going to like everything you do. I've come to accept that, so can you?

Editado por el autor 6 years ago
wolfhunter y ffleret les gusta esto

Hi, I am not psychiatrist, but when I read you Carcinogen and SuccinctAndPunchy, I see lot of cognitives distortions.

+Mind reading +Generalization +Everything or nothing +Filtering

That funny... Maybe that the bad side of behind moderator... Or that because we were sick at the beginning, we wishes to become mod. I dunno.

Since I have get myself some help, I'm better at seeing it.

Tu return at the beginning of your message, what I read is that you clearly do not have time to be moderator here. Another 'my life' moment, my co-moderator is still mod back of this website, you know where is still there ? He say "You are not there anymore, if I go, they are going to put the old mods who are bad and do fucking nothing ! "And me to answer : so what ? That not going to be our problem anymore. He has heart problems, he can die anytime, he decide to loose time for fucking peoples who not deserve his help anyway.

Impartiality is your only job, at my sens.

Your problem is you think you have a mission. But hey, you do it for nothing, no money, no reconnaissance, but load of shit. The day I have understand it, mind blowing :)

I cannot compare too much, cause the langage barrier make it, I was very misunderstanding, more than other thing. But that do not see to be your case, we hear it very well.

At the end, we are all reflection of each other, our humanity, we can't never get rid of it. That what is sad. Cannot surpasse our born. To quote a Quebecer writer : Men, dear men, I will gladly give you back.

You see, me too I do not have time for drama, but I take it anyway. This shock me to much. I am a messager, not a mute majority. How a single meme moment, can take you far sobering.

J. Asmo

United Kingdom

Moderators aren't necessarily there to lead the community, but to maintain the leaderboard in a logical sense. That is it.

If people propose game modifications, cheats, and so forth, this is a moderator's job to handle. If people propose stuff that would otherwise ruin the competitive structure of the boards through oversaturation, like segregating absolutely everything into it's own category, then that is also a moderator's job to handle.

It isn't a moderator's job, additionally, to be anyone's own personal punching bag. If you take jabs at them in their streams, as Carcinogen had previously said happened to him, they aren't obliged by being a moderator to simply take the shots.

Simply put, if you want people to be decent to you, be decent to them. There hasn't been an incident similar to this in any span of time the 'RE community' has been around, pretty much. And even when there were massive disagreements over boards or structure on RE, none of those people pulled punches like going into someone's stream and trying to get a rise out of them. There is no reason either Carcinogen or Punchy would single-out Psarthex for absolutely no reason, after years and years without an issue with anybody, and attack them. Just saying.

Editado por el autor 6 years ago
California, USA

Here's my hot take. Don't like it? Too bad.

Want to know why I didn't verify the hundo? I have never verified a hundo since becoming mod, so I have very little knowledge of it, and didn't have time to watch the entirety of it either. I was very busy that week and trusted that someone with more experience in hundo could verify. To be honest, you have to be pretty impatient to make such a big post like these ones because it took a week to verify it. Wasn't even due to a grudge, people were just busy.

Here's the hot part of my take. (Kind of just sick of seeing the same two people getting blamed when the other is playing the innocent act.)

Stop talking so much shit about these other mods. They do their job and one slip up turns into them suddenly not being able to do it at all. That makes no sense. Especially when some of us have jobs that are very hard to maintain success in. Going as far as to donate to a mod on their stream to get their attention AND tell them they're doing a "bad job", is so childish and unneeded.

Would you like it if someone came to you and told you that you were doing a bad job, and that your runs should be taken down because of it? How about in front of an entire audience watching your stream? What if I came to your stream and donated just to say "I can barely see the game with this garbage layout. You're not doing your job very well." It would feel bad. It SHOULD feel bad. Being told that you're doing a bad job and should stop because of it. When in reality, they should just be understanding of another human being. Give them time and space.

Let us do our jobs in peace. No more of these threads, please.

s1a1n1d1i y J_Dolan les gusta esto
Alsace, France

[quote=zgl]"Psarthex was a runner who had to this point only brought up his opinions and questioned things that he thought was wrong. In every case before this moment he ended up basically saying he understood, or that even if he didn’t agree that he would deal. He also had not been incredibly rude with any of the mod team, he honestly just voiced his thoughts and opinions without being a troll or acting like a dick. The first time he did anything of the sort, was posting the meme that many runners think was an accurate representation of how we felt at the time in that thread. After this, Psarthex did start trolling with memes in his thumbnails or videos. This came after being provoked by the moderation team. His runs became controversial and when he had an issue with a run that could have been easily explained with the rules he had the infamous rejection: [quote=SuccinctAndPunchy] Your 1h 46m 52s run in Resident Evil 7: Biohazard – Knife Only – PC, Easy has been rejected. Reason: CarcinogenSDA: reject until he quits being a buttbaby tbh "[/quote][/quote]

So i'm a sociopath because I defend myself with the tools I have; memes & jokes. Powerful weapon indeed.

So, you all saying I should respect them to get respected. Fine. I was doing that, Until a FEW MONTHS ago, out of the blue, I saw Carci being disrespectful towards me.

How can I take things like that ? [quote=Carci] "Keep it rejected so we can see him react" ; "He looks like someone who has put a lot into sprucing up his image of 'cool guy' because he faced a lot of rejection by his peers"[/quote]

So yeah, you can act as professional as you want on your stream, it doesn't change a thing that at the end of the day; When you're judging someone out of the blue like that, you're a low-key human.

I can get freely disrespected in the first place, but fight back by pointing out some of those boys are liars / truth-molders and, most of all, clowns, that's "harassment".

I wasn't going to answer all that in the first place, but you're all taking the bait as Zgl decided to start this thread and just asked me if it was ok for me if he mentionned me. You're just ignoring everything other people are saying.

So yeah, my mind is at peace, I've already apologized for the things I've done & said. At least I'm assuming my words and deeds.

At the end of the day, I remain true to me.

Sorry again, if I got a little bit disrespectful on this answer, but I can't just let you all bash me like that.

Y'all acting like i'm the stinkiest person here and act like your shit doesn't smell. But it does.

Anyway, I know I might get ban for answering to this thread like that. But after all, that's not important, I've met wonderful people while learning how to run this game, I did my best to share my experience on the game with them. But having to deal with self-centered people like Succinct and Carci was the worst thing I could go through.

So yeah, I take the blame gladly, I was the only one to step up and be snarky about your behavior towards people on this board, while everyone else was thinking exactly the same as me and just sat back quietly.


EDIT: Ps: If you don't want your "full-time stream job" to get mixed with your charity-job here on moderation; just unmod yourself. Or at least don't go ape shit at people if they're coming on your stream to ask questions. Be fully professionnal and tell them that you're gonna DM them at the end of the stream. Be CIVIL. Or again just unmod yourself, because people will always do the link between those two things. And if you can't change the world around you, you either change your behavior or walk away. Like I'm doing right now. And FFS, quit being paranoid.

Editado por el autor 6 years ago
NLsnipa_, Nemz38 y 3 otros les gusta esto
Missouri, USA

Is the pride in this room really so out of control that the parties involved can't all just apologize to each other and Let It Go and be in the past? And I'll just say this I love everybody in this game and this community, but if he gets banned for that response I want my runs taken off of this site because that's bullshit. Everything to this point has been brought back and pointed directly at him as if he's the only one that's ever done anything wrong and is the sole cause of the drama this thread. Did Psar handle it really badly...uh yeah, but ill tell you what you guys lowered yourself right down there in the shitter with him and act like you came out clean on the other side as if it was justified. And you know what Who Cares! We all mess up, but take some ownership for it and lets all play some freaking vidja games again like we love to do. Forgiveness is a real can work if you let it.

Alsace, France

I am genuinely sorry for all that.

Philber-ROH les gusta esto

"Would you like it if someone came to you and told you that you were doing a bad job ? " - Carcinogen do it very well by himself, far has I see, only on this threat. I remember you, I know any of you outside of this subject. Except the nugget nazi, he was hard to miss on twitter, yt, facebook etc..

"If people propose game modifications, cheats, and so forth, this is a moderator's job to handle. If people propose stuff that would otherwise ruin the competitive structure of the boards through oversaturation, like segregating absolutely everything into it's own category, then that is also a moderator's job to handle. " - You wish to say, community job ? The work on a mod is more a supervision, wile there communality debate about stuff. I don't even thing that a mod job to choose a category or not.

I think you should go see Final Fantasy, or zelda communality and mods, you can learn lot of stuff.

You overdo stuff in your mind. I wish to remember you, young peoples, speedrun is only exist because of communality effort. Stop over-thinking your job mods.

I already wrote The 7 Commandments of Reason, (yeah in my spare time, me I think I am Jesus 2), let's me do the same thing for moderation.

1-Impartiality is your only guide and that was define good mods. React the same way if something happen to you, that if that happen to any member of the communality.

2-Be present, valorise and motivate your communality. At the end, that every of them that are going to help you grow.

3-Do not be asshole, if you go somewhere and peoples know your rank, remember, you represent everyone of your "members" too. Like charity event, particularity.

4- You are not here for self-promotion, moderation is a benevolent job. Let's your actions do the talk for you.

5-Be the tinker, do not take everything for you. We are on the internet, peoples already do not have manners in the real world, what do you expect here, in this fake mirror ?

6-Treat the matter and not the subject. Like here, you are suppose to review run, not runner.

7-Never explain. That is the thing that kill a mod. if you have something to explain, your probably already in the wrong way.

Free knowledge.

At my duty sens, if your are not able to do respect half of it, then maybe you are not du to be in charge.

Have a nice day.

Philber-ROH les gusta esto
United Kingdom


See, you gotta question your motives when, for no reason, you pull the term 'Nugget Nazi' out of nowhere, which is a jab at Punchy unprovoked in this actual thread. It kind of just defeats what you're attempting to get across.

Whole point of this thread is to clear the air and try get past this. Not take subtle jabs at people to get them to lash out at you. Was that really necessary?

Editado por el autor 6 years ago
Philber-ROH les gusta esto

I have pretty much just let it go, like don't get me wrong I still don't forgive any of the people involved nor do I even remotely buy the explanation, rationale or excuses, but I have no desire to escalate further and not liking people doesn't really matter for my purposes. The board still runs smoothly, so I'm not sure what the malfunction is.

This entire thread kind of feels largely unnecessary since I got chucked under the bus, my motivations for inaction questioned with bizarrely intense scrutiny and assumed to be the harshest things possible (assume stupidity before malice is a very good adage for a reason) and we pretty much all readily agreed that zgl would be a good fit for the moderation team. I reckon literally all he'd have to have done was just ask one of us, but nobody made that effort instead preferring this huge callout thread where the basis for it was largely unfounded and full of attempts at rationalising past shitty behavior. What's the point? We're a bit past that now, surely, I'm not sure who's mind you're attempting to change?

if this thread is just going to devolve into Psar and Carci explaining why they don't like each other and why they'd prefer to avoid each other then who gives a fuck, mods aren't under any obligation to like anyone in particular and neither are the runners and there's otherwise no specific moderation issue that actually needs resolving?

To change gears to something else I noticed while attempting to decipher posts, I'm given to understand there's some sort of alternate RE7 discord or something that ya'll have congregated in? I'm not sure if I understand this properly, but if so, it's not exactly the brightest move to move all the runners to an alternate channel, not actually tell or notify any one of the mods and then complain that they're not part of the community? Like, don't get me wrong we're not under any obligation to join any server anyway, but it's a hell of a lot harder if we literally don't even know it exists at all.

Editado por el autor 6 years ago
maxylobes y CarcinogenSDA les gusta esto
Missouri, USA one gets it. Im done

Psarthex y Snoozexd les gusta esto