Exploits considered major glitches in No Major Glitches runs
Exploits considered major glitches in No Major Glitches runs
Actualizado 3 years ago por GMP


Due to limitations in the memory allotted to the game's rewind system, it is possible to overflow it by exceeding a certain number of actions that are rewound. After that point, the game amplifies the inputs instead of reversing them for some reason. While zipping, the game ignores collision completely. This can be used to bypass doors, walls, etc.

Rewind tricks

When the game is rewound to the exact same point twice, the previous action gets extended. Some examples include the following. Extended jump:

Extended vertical wallrun:

Menu Launch

By pressing the key to open/close the menu in rapid succession, we can get the menu into a glitched state where it is displayed without the red backround and keeps opening again even when "Continue" is pressed. We can use this state to perform various types of boosts/launches. Vertical wallrun launch:

Safety fall launch:

Horizontal jump boost with slomo:

Vertical jump boost with slomo:

Loadtrigger / Storycounter / Cutscene Manipulation

Loadtriggers can be manipulated in various ways such as rewinding right at the trigger, death abuse, drinking at a fountain, etc. It can lead to various effects such as deloaded traps, despawned enemies and more importantly, spawning storygate triggers that normally wont spawn without manipulation. Shown below is an example of manipulating the load trigger at the Fortress entrance to spawn storygate trigger 36, which lets accessing the towers early possible.

Cutscenes can also to be despawned by rewinding in a couple of ways. By falling into the cutscene trigger from a non-survivable height and rewinding:

By rewinding at the exact moment the cutscene is about to start playing:

Sonic / Supersonic Glitch

Sonic glitch is a state where the effects of the slo-mo power are only partially worn off when the slo-mo timer is run out. The way slomo power works in this game is by making the prince thrice as fast compared to the game and slowing everying down by about one third of the original speed. When a rewind is used and ended at the exact moment when the slomo timer was run out, the overall game speed is reset but the 3x buff on the prince is not, making the prince move at 3x speed in real time. Here is a semi-consistent setup that can be used to get the glitch:

When a similar thing is done with the ravages of time power, prince gets about a 10x speed buff. A setup is explained in this video.

Wallrun Extension

During a wallrun, if the sword is repeatedly slashed and rewound, the wallrun restartes at the point where the rewind is left and allows to cover more distance on the wall than normally possible.

Quicksand Glitch

When a jump is rewound and released with a proper timing, the prince sinks a tiny bit into the ground. Doing this few times lets the prince sink enough to skip some storygate triggers, cutscene triggers, etc. Doing it exactly 21 times allows to roll under closed doors/walls.

Drop Glitch

When close enough to the edge of a non-hangable platform (which are ususally only found out of bounds), doing a certain actions causes the prince to not go into the "falling state" until that action's animation is completed. This lets the prince drop heights that not survivable.

Throw weapon drop glitch:

glitches can also be performed at the end of a zip. Sand explosion drop glitch with zip:

Trap fall damage cancel

It is possible to survive falls from heights that are usually not survivable by getting hit by a trap at the very end of the fall.

Silhouette clipping

By precisely positioning an enemy and trying to land in a same position as it (usually by a wallrun flip or my vaulting over another enemy), we get pushed by the enemy's hit box and this push also ignores other form of collision, making it possible to clip through closed doors.

Ledge storage

By interrupting the animation of climbing into a fence (usually with an enemy attack), we can store that action into memory. This storage lasts until another fence is climbed or if the game is quit to main menu. When it is active, if the prince auto-climbs into a solid object, the stored action is played and the game tried to teleport the prince to the location of the original fence. However collision is active during this so most of the time prince gets stopped by a wall. Here is the glitch in action:

Cancelling a wallrun by pausing

When the game is paused in the middle of the wallrun, there is a chance that the game ignores the wall collision momentarily when unpaused, causing the prince to fall in place. This kind of fall also lets the prince survive slightly more height as compared to just releasing the wallrun.

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