Best ePSXe config for PE2
8 years ago

Since the fastest way to run this game is with this emulator (PSP and PS3 could be in the same category IMHO) I recommend to all the runners to show their ePSXe audio/video configuration for this game, so we can all compete in the same level!

Thank you.

United States

This are my current config for EPSXE with no audio lags and stable frames >

I would argue that ePSXe shouldn't be used for speed running, especially since its latest versions are more focused on enhanced PSX emulation (faster loading times, better video quality, no game lag).

I would suggest mednafen PSX because you can't configure it for faster loads. Its load times and lag emulation are identical to console (tested, same load times). The only way console will be slower is CD read misses, which can only be emulated with RNG or an actual disk drive. If your computer is too slow to run mednafen, you need to upgrade your PC.

If you're persistent about using ePSXe, then BAN 1.9. The lag emulation is terrible, and it speeds up during load times, transitions, etc. You can block them with certain settings, but the creators do not suggest using FPS limit in the GPU settings for 1.8 and above. 1.9 has emulation issues; This is because focus has shifted to enhanced PS1 experience.

I use ePSXe 1.8, and these settings 4 days: For audio, I'm using the default 1.8 SPU Core. No, the game doesn't run 400 FPS because FPS limit is off. ePSXe 1.8 uses internal frame limiter so GPU frame limit is discouraged. Runs 60 FPS all the time, lag is emulated somewhat with the GPU VRAM limit, and the graphics are almost 1:1 with console. Load times are still incredibly fast.

Mednafen avoids all of these problems, and its core is very accurate, running PE2 without hacks. Other emulators need a patch/hack to run PE2 because it expects to be loaded at a certain clock cycle. Other emulators are too fast/slow so PE2 soft locks. ePSXe automatically enables this patch when PE2 disk name is used (the SLUS-XXXXX or w/e).

With Mednafen, you'd only be separating the category if you're paranoid, but it matches console splits.

Oh yeah, and it's most noticeable and easy to test in the Akropolis fountain scene. The load time is ~3 seconds for console. Mednafen matches it, and ePSXe butchers it to 1 or 2 seconds (maybe less, haven't used it in a while).

Oh, and I tested against a Japanese PS1, not PS3.

Since I've heard zenix say mednafen is useless, you're asking for an ePSXe config so the game isn't running too fast or different. You can't configure mednafen to emulate the PS1 any differently, which will further ensure consistency. Also, not all PCs are guaranteed to work with the same ePSXe config.

I agree with Supergamer57.


My point is that when you emulate you're trying to achieve the best loading times possible too. This is no N64 or a cartridge based console, so let's say you're running the game off a CD on your PC, even with a 1:1 PSX emulator it would not be a fair choice vs actual console IMO.

Well PE2 crashes (soft lock) if the game loads too fast (which is why most emulators lock up at the very first screen). Of course we can send fake cycles to the game, which most emulators do to fix crashing issues with loads in certain games. PE2 is one of them. I don't know which fix ePSXe uses, but it's either the "RCnt fix" or the game shark code. Both of which make the game think it's loading at a normal speed (by speeding up emulation, skipping cycles, reporting false cycles).

PCSX / psxjin are other emulators that run it using the RCnt fix (CPU options), which reports false cycles and has faster loads.

XEBRA and mednafen are the only ones I know of not using a hack for PE2, but in XEBRA you can adjust the hardware cycle rate (and you must for PE2), which is kind of unfair and hacky.

I'm fine with choosing the fastest loading emulator, but not if it's breaking the game or inaccurately presenting the game.

It is unknown if this hack is affecting anything else in the game, and we are technically hacking the game's code.


If PE2 had an IGT it would be a problem of course, but I think the game just loads really fast for everyone using ePSXe with any configuration.

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