New to running in general, starting with Tutorial 2.0 and need tips
4 years ago
He/Him, They/Them
4 years ago

As the title says, I'm brand new to speedrunning as a whole and am still getting used to using LiveSplit and OBS. I need some tips for how the Tutorial 2.0 category is run. Any replies are welcome!


dripping les gusta esto
California, USA

How fast you can kill the bots without missing too much determines how fast you'll complete the tutorial. So the better your aim, the better your time will be. There's also some slight bullet-bloom rng. You can also watch the top times to see where to position yourself.

For when you have to "follow" tracer, start at the bottom of the stairs like in the top runs. You can hear 7 footsteps before she blinks towards you. Once you hear the 7th step, you can start walking towards the big door.

When the big doors open, jump through the white line of the Overwatch logo, on the left side. That's the part where you can get through the fastest.

First bot, just shoot as soon as it comes out and melee when it gets close. Then immediately position yourself to the right (like in the top runs) to get ready to shoot the first group of bots.

After that, you'll have to use "Sprint" - use it as soon as your hear the ding. It'll make Athena's voiceline start right away. If not, there'll be a very slight delay before she starts talking.

The other two are self heal and helix rockets. Spam your self-heal ability as soon as you are hurt, and shoot your helix rockets as soon as you see the metal cover go down.

Next is charging your ult, which has the biggest time save.

Then using your ult. It's best to not have to reload. You can do this by shooting the first bot a little, then helix rocket right away. Then shoot the top bot, then the last one. When switching your aim to a new bot, don't keep holding down primary fire, there's a chance that you'll have stray bullets. So shoot, kill, stop. Shoot, kill, stop, etc. very quickly.

He/Him, They/Them
4 years ago

Fantastic help, thank you very much! I'll get working on optimizing my time ASAP. I'm gonna shoot for sub 4:00 before I really start focusing on the aim patterns. Hope to see you on the leaderboard soon ;)

dripping les gusta esto
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