Question about recording runs
6 years ago
Michigan, USA

Hey, I'm relatively new to speedrunning but it's pretty fun so far. Anyways, I want to run PS2 games but I don't know how I could record them. For xbox one games I just use the game dvr/twitch streaming but I don't own any sort of game capture device to record other consoles. I've seen people record their monitor with their phone before, so I was wondering if doing that is allowed? Let me know what you think I should do, thanks!

TingTyphoon y soru les gusta esto
United States

Most of the time, as long as you have video footage of any quality, the run will be accepted. it is preferred that you have a capture card, but if you're only able to use a video camera or a cell phone, that will typically be accepted. (It really depends on the mods of the game(s) you wish to run. Some mods are more strict than others when it comes to that, but it shouldn't be an issue as long as you say before-hand). ^^

TingTyphoon y Tunes les gusta esto
Michigan, USA

If the capture card only records files at 16 min. increments is it a problem to put all the files together into one video? This capture card does

Oklahoma, USA

I'm unsure how capture cards and stuff works but I am a well known moderator around here so let me just say, capturing your run with a mobile career or other devices is allowed.

Now, that doesn't mean some moderators may try to reject your run for doing so, but if that's the case you should get in contact with an admin as there are no rules against doing this.

Oklahoma, USA

realizes this was months ago

Michigan, USA

it's okay, I revived it

Oklahoma, USA

hmm yes how thoughtful of you :P very useful