Skillshots run ?
7 years ago
Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, France

Hi guys! I was wondering if there is any speedrun category about skillshots ? not all the skillshots but "General I" and "General II" ( could be cool (pretty hard but interesting).


There isn't currently a category about it but I did some all skillshots runs in the past.

I don't see the point in only doing a few skillshots instead of the whole list since every skillshot can be done in a single playthrough.

For me if you aren't doing all skillshots, you are doing any% but slower since you have to do the skillshots you want to do.

Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, France

haaaaa yes, you're right and i think you definition of the 100% is right too.

"I don't see the point in only doing a few skillshots instead of the whole list since every skillshot can be done in a single playthrough. " - i think it could be quicker and funnier to watch a "All Skillshots Run" or a "General Skillshots Run" because the currents categories are about 3h long and it could bring some dynamism in the community.


Currently you have to add up around 10 minutes to the any% run to get a all Skillshots run (they are realy easy to do except for a few of them).

I'd like to find if there isn't any way to skip parts of the game but the inability to jump and the death walls if you don't kill everyone are just a pain.

I Don't know if you are currently running the game but if you are just post what you tink is useful here.

I'm not currently running but i'll try to get a decent run for ESA and I'll be back when the Full Clip Edition comes out.

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