Downpatching guide
Downpatching guide
Updated 2 years ago by Chlowah

As of 23/07/21, important skips like Doorskip were patched out by the devs, meaning that in order to utilize these skips you will have to downpatch your game.


  1. Download DepotDownloader ( ) and put it in a folder somewhere

  2. Install

  3. Open a command line (cmd, powershell, etc) and navigate to this directory. Tip: You can open a CMD in your current folder by clicking in the navigation bar, typing cmd and pressing enter

  4. run the following command: dotnet DepotDownloader.dll -app 894020 -depot 894021 -manifest 3903520359414341205 -username [your username] -password [your password]

After editing this command to fill in with username/password, there should not be any square brackets remaining

4.1. If you are told that the required dotnet version doesn't exist, follow the download link provided and install this dotnet version. Repeat the previous step 4.2. Enter your steam authenticator code (If needed)

  1. Once the download is finished, navigate to depots/894021/7077547 and you should find the 1.0.0 version of the game. This version of the game can be launched separately from your current patch steam version