Thread: Doom 3
Germanyqckdth6 years ago

Hey k0uS1S,

the answer is: you need the BFG Edition. RBDOOM3BFG only works with that one.

Thread: Doom 3
Germanyqckdth6 years ago

Even though we have a load remover that brings us equality over most of the loading times between levels, there are still situations that are influenced by the hardware setup of the player. This here apparently is another example of this, but also frame drops or frame losses, the speed with which ingame cutscenes are skipped and so on. Sorrily, it is impossible to take those really minor time differences into consideration. That mostly is the case with any other speedgame as well.

Make sure you start the timer right when you start the game so you dont lose time that way. Also have a look at our forums and discussions about technical timesaves or tricks and stuff.

Greetings qd

Thread: They Hunger
Germanyqckdth6 years ago

Hey there,

thx very much go to Yalter for making an update to BXT. It now has autostops for all three episodes of They Hunger exactly like the ingame timer stopping when killing the Nihilanth in hl1:


This means you don't have to stop the timer manually anymore (which was a little flawed anyway). The command to activate the autostop function is "bxt_timer_autostop 1". So if you start a run for Episode 1, the timer will automatically stop when you hit the trigger when the light goes out; the same goes for the rest of the Episodes with according end time points.

For All Episodes / Trilogy you need to deactivate autostop ("bxt_timer_autostop 0") until you are in Episode 3, where you can activate it again ("bxt_timer_autostop 1"). The reason of course is that the timer would prematurely stop at the ends of Episode 1 or Episode 2 if you didn't do so. The guide for how to setup They Hunger start and timer has been updated accordingly:


Times can now be submitted with milliseconds. Have fun everybody!

Greetings qd

YaLTeR gefällt das.
Thread: Doom 3
Germanyqckdth6 years ago

Hey there JW,

as you can see in the beginning of the run, there is a cutscene which is not timed out. Also in the past there have been cutscenes that were not possible to time out until a livesplit ingame-timer-update. Then it was possible to time out other cutscenes as well. The rule therefore means: The time is determined by the ingame-timer and cutscenes which are not timed out are part of the ingame-time. But thx for your observation. I'm gonna change the rules (or just leave this passage out) to clarify this confusion for future runners :)

Greetings qd

Thread: Half-Life
Germanyqckdth6 years ago

idk my man :) there is a setup for fps games on nohboard 0.2 i used afaik

Thread: Half-Life
Germanyqckdth6 years ago

you need this command:

bxt_hud_timer "1"

start runs with autorecord and bxt_timer_start with the following command (with "x" as a key you like)

bind "x" "map c1a0; bxt_hud_timer 1; bxt_timer_reset; bxt_timer_start;bxt_autorecord run"

You also find these information in nyu's speedrun guide (setting up the game) and i think in d0t's tutorial as well.

greetings qd

Thread: Half-Life
Germanyqckdth6 years ago

you can use nohboard alright. you know how to set it up on obs? (or whatever streamingsoftware youre using?)

greetings qd

Thread: They Hunger
Germanyqckdth7 years ago

Hey there,

there was an issue about the fps_max value whether it should be kept unlimited or should be capped at a certain value. There was discussions about this in the sourceruns discord. Several opinions reaching from having 100fps cap, 250fps cap, or unlimited fps have been brought forward and explained. Current rules allow unlimited fps, which was initiated by Bloodvez. After considering this issue for some time now, the rules will now change the cap for fps_max to "250".

It is true that this game is not tied to a particular client; it doesn't therefore have a tradition of a locked standard fps_max value you could orient yourself by. First runs by Lynnwicked were done on fps_max 100. Later runs by Bloodvez were done on unlimited fps. Under unlimited fps, some tricks were custom tailored for high fps_max values and do not properly work with fps_max 100 or lower. It is also true that trying to preserve the ability to do tricks more easily or doing them at all is not a proper reason to keep a higher fps_max value. Some of those tricks are also possible on fps_max 100. It is therefore perfectly possible to limit the fps_max value to 100. However, since it is not traditionally played on 100 fps, the main parties argued between deciding for either 250fps max or unlimited fps. The reason for this is one of opportunity. Since the game is not bound to a 100fps cap, why not pursue the possibilities of high fps tricks, like very narrow objectboosts on several occasions, or a higher speed in more consistent bunnyhopping allowing to maneuver through the vast landscapes particular to They Hunger more quickly. It is one of the gameplay benefits of this game and of having the openness of these yet almost untouched leaderboards to provide such a possibility, and it is a change to what you are used to from HL or OF or other HL-mods.

The reason the fps cap will now be decreased from unlimited fps to 250fps on the other hand is one of necessity in terms of consistency among runners. Most importantly the RNG of the characters in the game increases by a lot the lower your fps are. This is not simply an issue of lag. The mechanics of the game include having NPCs turn slower the higher your fps get. Especially in a game like They Hunger, where you have a lot of enemy encounters and no battery charge but only spare health you need to deal with to perform tricks like grenade jumps and the like, the chances to perform some of the crucial situations are drastically decreased for people having lower fps than others. There of course will be runners, who can't maintain steady 250fps throughout the game (like myself). But the majority will be able to rather do that than stay on a constant 1000fps which for some runners is achievable. The issue is not simply one of RNG itself obviously, but of the different RNG amount among runners created by a too high (or unlimited) fps cap. There will continue to be hardware differences between runners and the consequential differences in performances and times. With this rule, it is at least narrowed down by a lot. At last, having a steady fps_max value of 250 will also allow for using Goldsrc 2 beta and NGHL as clients without too quickly getting a slowmotion bug occuring when having unstable fps values (see also: https://wiki.sourceruns.org/wiki/FPS_Effects ).

Thank you for all your opinions which are all valued in the decision making. In the end it was not only the majority of the people discussing this issue, but more importantly the majority of the runners who agreed on this 250 fps_max cap. I hope, this rule will preserve the equality among runners and benefit the gameplay and the competition on the leaderboards.

Greetings qd

losi gefällt das.
Thread: They Hunger
Germanyqckdth7 years ago

Hey there,

in this matter it was decided to make two seperate categories for each Episode / Trilogy: scriptless and scripted, which equal the rules for categories "scriptless" and "scripted w/ SW" of the hl1-leaderboards (see: http://www.speedrun.com/hl1 ).

Runs using wait-commands therefore are moved to scripted category (with the exception of Bloodvez' Episode 1-run (7:35 GT) because his use of wait-commands doesn't save any time compared to a scriptless route).

Greetings qd

Thread: They Hunger
Germanyqckdth7 years ago

Hey there,

the issue has been raised whether to allow wait commands to perform the Cage-Skip at stonehenge, or to let the cutscene be played as intended for scriptless category. I've conducted some comparison in timing for 250, 5, 100, and 20 fps_max settings without moving in the cage (let the scene roll without participation) in two complete run throughs in the following order:1st test with 250 fps_max, 2nd 5, 3rd 100, 4th 20, and starting a second round with continuing test-nr. 5th 250, 6th 5, 7th 100, 8th 20.

See VOD:

The results are: fps_max: 1st round test-nr. - time (in s) / 2nd round test-nr. - time (in s) 250: 1st - 136 / 5th - 126 5: 2nd - 157 / 6th - 130 100: 3rd - 119 / 7th - 131 20: 4th - 116 / 8th - 122

With a maximum time difference of 41 seconds (!) between tests waiting out the end of this scripted scene, it is therefore completely RNG in terms of the time you get to actively run the game again. I therefore suggest having wait commands allowed to perform the Cage-Skip for standard (which would normally be known as "scriptless") category too, and not just in a possible scripted category.

Greetings qd

lezytora und losi gefällt das.
Thread: Doom 3
Germanyqckdth7 years ago

Hey SuperBlitzCraig,

BFG Edition of Doom3 on steam is faster than the original version (referred to as vanilla version) of Doom3 from 2004. We are using a source port for BFG Edition Doom3 (RBDoom) which you can find a setup for in the guide section.

I'm not exactly sure what "rolling" is though. What's the context of that?

Greetings qd

Germanyqckdth7 years ago

Hello everybody,

I've actually had some discussions about this topic with some people these days, and I was actually asked to add my point of view to this, which im gladly gonna do now. :)

Most speedgames have a common ground considering hardware and they are equal that way for most hardware setups people have approaching speedrunning in a game. We are one of the few exceptions with our always pretty hardware heavy game. Not only with the new clips we have to find ways to make the game equal for everyone. In the past without a loadremover we had minute wide gaps between different runners just because of loadtimes; even since we had the load remover, there always have been (and will continue to be) small hardware lags for lower to even mid end systems within the game that might be minor to the eye, but sum up to seconds and are never gonna be timed out. Even old speedgames are run in 800¤600 (like half-life) for exactly the same reason. Although I hate to admit it, this will always be our problem (and the problem of other games like DOOM) we will have to find new solutions for that maybe just can't be measured by old standards (or ethics) of a speedgame.

ResT I haven't tried so far, so I sorrily don't really feel entitled to judge about it. I pretty well remember crouchclipping and vsynctoggling though, and I can say: It is (from my perspective) unfair from runner to runner (system to system), but it indeed is fun (when you don't look at the time). So for my personal gaming experience, I would go on running the game with cc and maybe vsync, but I wouldn't necessarily go for leaderboards anymore exactly because of its unbalanced nature. I'm pretty sure, other people might feel about this the same way. But twitchy may be right and those that don't have the hardware for it, will just get left behind. I don't like it, but maybe it's what has to be done.

To be honest, the question whether we wanted to try and have a run open for at least most systems was fully decided when crouchclipping came up, and it cannot be resolved (the hardware gap became too big between runners). So what we lost back then in legacy runners most likely wont come back or compete for leaderboards anymore. Since this rupture basically is history, I'd recommend going on and using this game as an experimental field for a new approach. Just go for dxtory (and further) and see what it actually can add to the technicality of a (and our and other) game(s). Because there are other games out there that might in the future have similar problems as our game, that are very hardware dependent, that have possible skips which require some unusual way to achieve them. The question here is "why not". Give it a try.

Alien:Isolation never was appealing as a classical speedgame in terms of the best times on the leaderboards in a way. As a survival-horror game of marathon proportions it always bared the fascination of the true Single-Segment endurance test. In my opinion this is what has drawn "runners" into the game, to survive the run deathless (or nearly so), to sit through it, to have the tension and the realism. The now so-called Legacy category represented more of that feeling plus the cinematic atmosphere of a horror-movie which at least got me into the game, the thrill and the myth and being right in the middle of this experience. And it is - what I think - people want to see. Legacy in its more or less glitchless nature was kind of "realistic", still kind of but less like a "run", and it should stay that way. And that is why, by standard, we may have called it Any%. It would be wrong again to measure our game with these speedgame standards. It's just not its nature (imo).

That's why I would actually keep legacy as the realistic run category, but maybe sort them differently: Any%, All-Missions (including three buttons "legacy", "TAS" and "console" (or have console runs mixed into "legacy", not sure about that, or have console as a third own leaderboards): not simply different filters, but three leaderboard categories in one), and misc (including low% (with "legacy" and "TAS", because in this category it matters hugely), 100%, novice (with "legacy" and "TAS"). Low% and 100% could also stay seperate Main-Categories again ("Why not").

That's all that comes to my mind right now. :)

Greetings qd

Ruuj gefällt das.
Thread: Half-Life
Germanyqckdth7 years ago

Yea. It will most probably be update processes in the background. At least that's what caused some fps drops for me in the past.

Sometimes there are outside programs that are doing that too.

Thread: Half-Life
Germanyqckdth7 years ago

Hello :)

So I've had the chance to test the Razer Deathadder Elite for Half-Life Speedrunning. The Razer Deathadder Chroma was highly recommended by some sources specifically for its very good and accurate sensor. And as I can confirm, the Elite's sensor is really really good and very precise. The mousewheel seemed to be a little bit difficult to handle to me in the beginning. But as for Bhopping in general, you just have to get used to it pretty much it seems. The nobbing on the wheel for additional feedback is also very nice.

So atm I can recommend this one I think. Will see how long its gonna last though (a critic I've heard from several Razer products users).

Greetings qd

losi gefällt das.
Thread: Half-Life
Germanyqckdth7 years ago

Hey there,

what do I have to do to get GoldSRC running on a mac? Steam version is working.

.bat files are a windows format; so i cant execute them in the first place.

Does anybody know a setup?

Thx Greetings qd

Itistime gefällt das.
Thread: Half-Life
Germanyqckdth7 years ago

I now finally decided on the DeathAdder Elite by razer:


It seems to have the accuracy of the DeathAdder Chroma, the sensor of the Mamba, but without the Tracking and Skipping issues. Razer says the sensor is very well tuned considering accuracy and tracking. The size is very good for me (I tested it in a store), and the Mwheel has rubber nobbs like the Razer Mamba. I'll feedback a little on how I liked it if you want.

Thx for all the advice people! Greetings qd

Thread: Half-Life
Germanyqckdth7 years ago

Thx for your replies people!

I thought about what mboheio said. Maybe I should just stick with my current mouse, because it is actually "ok". On the other hand I tried to find a store that has zowie mice so i can compare them and get a feel of them, but i couldn't find one.

Now I'm thinking about it again and: why not have a better mouse actually.

Does someone know about the different sizes of zowie mice?

Greetings qd

Thread: Half-Life
Germanyqckdth7 years ago

Alright. How about you add (free-scrolling) behind hyper-scrolling, i didn't know it was that tbh.

But alright, that solves that problem.

What about the other mice? Any ideas?


Thread: Half-Life
Germanyqckdth7 years ago

Hey there,

I want to get a new mouse also because I feel my current mouse's scrollwheel hinders me to get better results in bhop speed. My current mouse is the Speedlink SL-6397- BK Decus Mouse:


Though I realised, it kind of is okay in size, the scrollwheel is a little slow, though smooth and soft to control (no unnecessary scrolling-fatigue).

I've had a look at the Steelseries Rival 300:


Though big enough and very handy to hold and control, the scrollwheel seems kinda hard to scroll which currently makes me prefer the following one:


The mouse design is very handy, feels good to hold and control; the mouse is very sensitive and the scrollwheel is effortlessly smooth to scroll.

So in comparison to that, the G502 by Logitech:


does have a freescrolling which might be very useful e.g. in climbing ramps with freescrolling jump, or getting higher scroll counts to get smoother bhops without losing too much speed. The scrollwheel then again seems to be a little harder to control once you've scrolled it in normal mode, and very difficult to control in scroll counts in freescrolling.

-> Does someone have experiences with that?

Additionally, the mouse is too small for my hand. More fitting, but way to expensive would be the g900:


What is the best mouse choice for playing Half-Life in your opinion? What suggestions do you have for me for purchasing a new mouse?


Greetings qd

Thread: Half-Life
Germanyqckdth7 years ago

Usual Problem is, that you (quick)load a save that you have saved in the area where the npc abuse should be taking place. If you fail it and attempt to do it again, you need to reload an area, that is before loading into the area of the npc abuse. Different areas are seperated by loadings.

Greetings qd

M4u5 und memer_ gefällt das.
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