Loading Times
8 years ago
United States

Hey, I've done my first practice run, and got 57:49. Didn't record since it was just to see what I could do, and before I even watched a run in the first place. I was wondering, will we ever time runs without loading times? I have a crappy laptop, and my loading times take quite a long time.

OmegaFallon gefällt das.
Missouri, USA

that would make it easier on everybody who runs this game.. yeah i would suggest that we do that but i think we would need to get an autotimer for that and idk if anybody here knows how to do that.


load remover is enough, since we can still split while the timer is paused. It is a very good idea though, since loadings are extremely inconsistent in this game.

I don't know how to do them myself, but I'll ask around for i know a few people who made load removers/autosplitters for other games.


Would SourceSplit not work?


I'll have to do more runs if noloads is a thing, also can my run be accepted or something, would that be possible? lol

United States

I'd run this game more often if I was actually able to record without lag XD. My PB is an unrecorded 52:54 (I've been taking pics of my time). It'd probably be ~50 min if loading was cut from my time. If we can find a good way to do this, and then I get a better PC, then I'll be running again.

I'll still be practicing that Down skip though.


I mean, Why not just time out loads manually in the meantime? wouldn't be too hard. i could probably do a couple of the runs.

United States

So with the recent run, any updates of runs with loading times taken out? I have my new PC so I can record with no lag. Loading times are slightly faster, but I need a new SSD to speed up my loading times.

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