[IL] 4 Desert 07 - Punch-up Pyramid
[IL] 4 Desert 07 - Punch-up Pyramid
Aktualisiert 2 years ago von mcill

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Route options and benchmark times: 5 round: ~6:40 4 round: ~5:17 no ACamel: ~4:33 best: ~4:14 These benchmark times don't represent route options, just highlight the differences between potential outcomes. For example, if you find you are getting 5 rounds consistently, then a good way to save 1m30s is to get consistent at 4 round punch-ups.

We'll cover each fight individually, but there's a common theme between them all: accuracy and energy management. Because your attacks are limited by how much energy you have, punching as fast as possible does not benefit you. Think more in terms of the energy required to kill an animal. This energy is more than 100% of your B button ability energy, so you have to wait for it to recharge. This also means that if you miss a punch, the energy you spent doesn't go towards killing the animal. Furthermore, if you are at 100% energy, you aren't taking advantage of your ability-recharging, so you're losing time. Finally, punching too quickly can cause you to lose punching energy without actually throwing a punch. Pace your punches. Between fights (that is, between different animals and not different counts of the same animal, though similar rules apply), you will have to wait a long time and your energy will recharge to 100%. You would prefer to finish each fight with no energy left to punch.

To summarize:

  1. Most importantly, never miss any punches
  2. Don't punch too fast
  3. Try not to be at full energy. As long as you're recharging, you're good
  4. Finish each fight with no energy

As long as you're doing these things, you're going fast. The following discussions are simply to help you do these things.

As a side note, 3-round Punch-up is hard to do without practice. The camel and super camel fight should be 1 rounds each without much trouble. The kangaroo fight is pretty hard to do in 1 round, but 2 rounds should be pretty easy to get and is respectable for beginners. Like all "boss" levels though, a minimum amount of practice is required to make sure you can even beat them consistently in the first place, but after that its not a big deal.

Useless camel fight: Basically just charge forward so you can start punching (methodically) ASAP. Since the camel is really slow, you can easily chase it down. It's a pretty safe fight, but its attacks CAN do a bunch of damage, so pay attention. If you get close to death, bail and grab some energy. Its best to do this when you are low on energy because then you aren't technically wasting time (since you're still recharging energy). IMPORTANT: after the second down (the 7-count), you want to be facing the camel and standing still. As the camel gets back up, you'll enter the kangaroo's passive animation, which involves it punching. These punches do damage and don't cost any energy! #freetimesaves. Keep passive punching until the camel gets out of range, then continue fighting as normal. I think the best passive punching we've seen so far is 7 hits, 3-4 is more likely. An ideal fight is finished with 30 seconds left (or maybe even 31)

Super camel fight: First of all, attempt the "ACamel". Start under the super camel so that it spawns on top of you and teleports to the side of the ring. When it teleports, run to its final position and try to push it out of bounds. If successful, the camel will be stuck and you can punch it freely without having the camel fight back or teleport. The best way to kill the camel if you get ACamel is to use regular punches to get the first down, then use 5-6 passive punches followed by regular punches to get the second down, then all 7 passive punches followed by regular punches on the third down.

If you fail the ACamel, then use the following advice. This fight is even easier than the useless camel fight in terms of not dying, but maybe a little harder to do optimally. It's very safe because all you have to do is make sure that the cannon is pointed away from you and you're good to go. When the camel teleports, it will always teleport to the other side of you (or rather to the other side of where you were when it started the teleport). Use this knowledge to control the camel and to predict where it will go. Start the fight by making the camel teleport to the nearby edge of the ring so you can start punching it faster. After that, just punch it a bunch while avoiding the cannon. You should be able to kill it before it teleports again. After each down, the camel will teleport again, but each time it is possible to down the camel before it teleports a second time.

Kangaroo fight: Start the fight behind the kangaroo. This way you can punch it a few times while it is turning around to attack you. After this initial plan, you're kinda on your own. Here are some guidelines though:

  1. You really want to dodge all of the kangaroos attacks. Jumping is a good way of doing this.
  2. You want to get the kangaroo into corners so you can punch it easier
  3. After the 7-count, you can passive punch the kangaroo similar to the useless camel. Practicing this fight a lot will help you understand how the kangaroo moves and how to manipulate it to move where you want and to predict where it will go when that manipulation fails.


Passive punching: The kangaroo will start punching when its idling animation begins. These punches don't cost any B-button energy and actually cause damage!

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