ILs for Individual Tracks in Time Trial mode?
7 years ago
European Union

idk, would be cool if there was a way to submit single tracks.

especially as the game even has a neat timer for that:

Edited by the author 7 years ago
United States
Edited by the author 7 years ago
European Union

why should I register for another website when there's a leaderboard here?

Georgia, USA

There's a leaderboard ingame, therefore making these pointless as well

Baltimore, MD, USA

the mario kart players page isn't pointless, it has lots of cool statistics that players are ranked by

Omar likes this

Sorry for bumping this, but I wanted to chime in and say that I would like this too. Keeping track of things on multiple sites is annoying, so I would rather have it all in the same place. I think it would also be good for new runners. Time trials are relatively easy to do and very easy to prove (all you really need is a picture of the end card), so it would be a good way for new runners to get into the game.

As for the Mario Kart Players Page, many of time trial runs on there don't seem to have any proof attached to them (for lower ranking runs it's fine, but world records should at least have something). That site also doesn't allow glitches or unintended shortcuts in their runs. I don't know if there even are any, but if someone found any then we wouldn't be able to use them there.

Also, in-game leaderboards definitely don't make this pointless. I don't know about this game specifically, but generally speaking in-game leaderboards are ridiculously easy to hack, and as a result are incredibly unreliable.

XCS likes this
United States

I would very much support ILs being added here, would make submitting some runs fairly easy for many new runners and would provoke some more friendly competition.


I'm not very familiar with Mario Kart Players Page these days, but I'd assume they're being lenient with proof because the in-game leaderboards allow download of other people's ghosts, friends or a top 20 time. With just this feature alone anyone can verify new records with ease, and there are people running a YouTube channel (MK8DX Records) solely dedicated to uploading new WR runs as they are beaten, plus another website that tallies all the WRs in a list format ( If a time is still found to be suspicious then the site's mods could easily request proof or delete said submission off their site. At least for the top times, proof is certainly not non-existent. I don't really see any problem with them.

That said, I feel adding ILs would add a big amount of clutter to the page as of now. The only way I could see it done is one "IL" category with 2 tabs for track and engine class selection. But would 48 tabs even be possible in that case? Either way, I think it'd add a lot of work for something that has already been done elsewhere, and for a few submissions too, but I I could be wrong in that regard. Also it'd likely add more work to statistics-devoted players as well, who would now have one more place to submit a copy of their time to.

Personally I feel the Player's Page does it's job for keeping track of ILs very well, but that's just me.

Edited by the author 6 years ago
Kaopoke likes this

I didn't consider using ghosts as proof, that makes a lot of sense.

Clutter wouldn't be an issue. can support multiple leaderboards for the same game, so IL's could be completely separate from the rest of the leaderboard (look at Star Wars: Battlefront II for an example of this). With this, each level could be a category and each engine class could be a tab. 48 categories is a lot, but as long as there isn't an artificial limit I think the system could handle it. And since it's completely separate, it wouldn't have any effect on the existing leaderboard, and people who didn't care about it would never need to see it. It would still be a lot of work, but I don't think it would be a waste. A couple people have already expressed interest in it, and I think there would be plenty of submissions considering how easy it is to do and prove a time trial (not having to worry about recording or timing the run yourself makes things a lot easier for new runners).

But, all things considered, I get where you're coming from and what you're saying makes sense.


The issue here is, if we add IL leaderboards, it wouldn't represent an accurate view of what actually is world record.

jelluh24 likes this

Hey, just popping in to chime in on something. I run the MK8 (Deluxe) Players' Page mentioned above, and for MK8 Deluxe I've launched another site called MKLeaderboards. This new site is purely for time trial rankings by geographical region (Americas, Europe, more coming soon) and lists the top 10 from each region. Different purpose than the players' page, but MKLB has been much more active over the last while. We're also a little more strict on proof than the MK8 Players' Page currently is. If you want to see this site the link is -- would appreciate if it gets linked from this site under "Resources" but that's up to the mods here I guess. Thanks :)

Kaopoke likes this

Thanks jazzymk, I'll add it under resources!