Is it legit to change the DPI of my mouse during speedrun ?
6 years ago


Do you think it is legit to change the DPI from 600 to 10000 during the run by the button dedicated on my mouse ?

It could be useful to turn the valves but i don't want to cheat.


Sorry for bad english

United States

personally i feel like if its nothing something you have to do from outside the game with extra software, it shouldn't be allowed.

however, thats just me, if others chime in with different points of view feel free


considering it can be done via hardware or software i'm inclined to say that is isn't allowed. you're only going to get very little improvements in very specific areas of the game anyway


Ok, like you said it's very little improvements that can be done with this method. It was more because i didn't want to make the effort of turning the valves


I wouldn't say a lack of effort is a good enough reason to allow DPI adjustment in this game, you'd be better off figuring out the intricacies of the valve turning to figure out just how to properly move them rather than rely on artificial tricks.

If it was a genuine struggle to turn the valves, even in normal gameplay it might be a different story.

Bearbeitet von der Autor 6 years ago
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