Pneuma PC at 5$/5€ on Steam.
8 years ago
Bourgogne, France

For anybody who would be intestered by the PC version of the game, it is at 5$ (5€ for us europeans) right now on Steam. The offer ends December 1.

Steam page of Pneuma : Breath of Life

United States

I might get it. Not sure yet. If I do it would greatly simplify running and timing the game.

Bourgogne, France

I bought it... can't run the game on my PC... :'(

Bourgogne, France

Finally managed to run it... We might have to separate PC and console runs... some puzzles are significantly faster on PC...

Maine, USA

if u feel like the time difference is a signifigant difference go for it u can set it up like Any% PC, Any% Console, 100% PC, 100% Console.

Bourgogne, France

That's what I was thinking about, but I don't want to take initiatives other mods might not agree with. But basically, the advantages of PC over console for this game are these two :

  • Better sensitivity control. Partially due to mouse accelaration. Meaning you can have a manageable sensitivity while doing puzzles likes the floor/ceiling puzzle of Chapter 3 or Puzzle II-3 of Chapter 5 (where you look at the ceiling and turn on yourself for about 2 rotations clockwise) really fast (well at least, way faster than with a controller).
  • Possibility to change resolution. Not a big thing, but with a more "square"-like resolution (more height, less width), some puzzles like the last one of Chapter 4 (where you gotta spin each segments of the pillar and watch all 5 eyes at the same time) becomes easy af.
United States

No, do not separate. There is no difference between the game on pc vs console. PC is superior but the game is the same.

Bourgogne, France

The game is the same, but console has limitations PC doesn't have... In a long term, I think you will not be able to WR on console... But I guess we'll see...

United States

My bad on the miss-timing on my last run. Guess I miss-calculated, which happens :P. Anyway, I think getting the PC is totally worth it (if your PC can run it).

Bourgogne, France

No problem, could've happen to anyone. ;) And at least, your run is valide. I got a WR 2 days ago, but twitch skipped 2 whole minutes on the VOD... :'(

United States

We will not split xbox and pc unless there is some significant and fundamental difference between the games.

You are trying to split up a personal preference. If you are better with controller than kb/m then play on console. If you are better with kb/m than controller, play PC. Whether or not you can WR is irrelevant, its all about where you can get your best time.

I dont think any other game separates pc/xbox either.

United States

Just bought it. Downloading now. Hopefully will be able to do some runs soon.

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