Hey guys. Whats up?
8 years ago
New Jersey, USA

Hello everyone. There's been a recent increase in activity in these forums, and I just wanted to take this chance to talk about a few things. We've had a huge increase in the amount of people running this game over the past few months, and that's awesome. As of 5 minutes ago, we have 28 different speedrunners for this game, which puts us at a a 16-way tie for the 269th most popular game to speedrun on this site. While that might seem incredibly insignificant, there are currently over 6000 different games here, putting us in the top 5% of games, which is pretty sweet.

Next up is pausing. So a while back, the in-game timer was decided as the standard for determining the actual time for runs. I personally was worried that pause spamming, which freezes the in-game timer, would make it possible to essentially make runs played a few frames at a time, leading to really boring runs. I believe the consensus on it was that it wouldn't be a big deal as long as we didn't pause spam. I think we need to decide what qualifies as pause spamming. On a recent run by Jalucid, he paused on the mutation screen to save time by thinking about which mutation without running the clock. While this is obviously an abuse of the in-game timer by pausing, I personally don't have a problem with this particular tactic. I still think there should be specific rules on what qualifies as pause spamming.

The last thing I'd like to bring up are Captain runs. As you guys should hopefully know, I think like 4 updates ago or something a new super cool boss was added, the Captain. People are already speedrunning killing the Captain, so we should add Captain runs as a new category. I'm probably gonna try to make a new category now, but there's a decent chance that I may end up accidentally removing every category instead, so wish me luck.

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