autosplit doesn't work in steam version?
6 years ago
Gyeongsangnam, South Korea

I don't have humble one just only steam version I'm keep trying with autosplit but it totally don't work for me


Have you activated autosplitting in 'Edit Splits'?

Gyeongsangnam, South Korea

yes I activated but it doesn't seems to work. downloaded from Resources tap at left and my livesplit version is 1.7.5 now

here's my 'Edit Splits' setting screen image


Its supposed to work on steam versions, and does so for most people, from what I know. I heard from two other people that it did not work for them, but I couldn't replicate the issue on my end.


South Holland, Netherlands

Try launching LiveSplit as administrator

Gyeongsangnam, South Korea

Oh god it works! Thank you so much kdstz.

kdstz gefällt das.
United States

I also have a problem with this - however instead of it NOT working, it seems to double-split like this:

When I beat the tutorial, it splits the tutorial AND Chimney. When I beat the Chimney, it splits the Slide Skip AND Furniture land etc.

Anyone know how to fix this?


You have two splitters, probably one in the split menu that was autodownloaded and one you added manually through the layout settings. Disable/Remove one of them

United States

Fixed the problem - I had selected these options in the scriptable auto splitter menu:

Apparently selecting those causes the duplicate glitch, works now!

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