There should be an option to cancel your run submissions
6 years ago
Florida, USA

Imo there should be an option to cancel submission just in case you either beat your record before it was submitted or if somehow the computer sends the same run for submission multiple times (which happened to me a while ago).

European Union

Press the 3 small dots on the top right of the window for your submission, there should be the option "delete run" which does exactly what you want.


Bearbeitet von der Autor 6 years ago
Florida, USA

I don't know why but it doesn't show the "Delete Run" option.

EbClarinet und Malockssomex gefällt das.
North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany

No! It is not a bug. New users can not access that option. You need to at least be a member since 7 days/a week ago to be able to delete your runs!

EbClarinet, coolestto und 3 Andere gefällt das.
Richmond, VA, USA

I learned something new today

coolestto gefällt das.
United States
He/Him, They/Them
3 years ago

Why can't 6 Day or less delete your run. It seems to have no purpose and I can't remove my run that I now think is invalid.

DamishWide gefällt das.
New York, USA

A. Don't necro threads like this B. I assume it is to prevent people from spamming, and ensure the account is legitimate C. I don't think it's that big of a deal to wait to delete the run. But more importantly, unless you double submitted or the run breaks the rules of a category there's no good reason to delete it. Keep it and if you beat it you beat it. Preserve the history of your performance.

New York, USA

If the thread isn't locked, it's fair game. Also, I'd prefer using older threads to continue the same conversation rather than clutter the forum with multiple posts about the same thing, especially if said conversation still only takes up one page.

Just one man's opinion.

DamishWide gefällt das.