LeKukie bolt-tapping through the 25 hz wall in Arctic Caverns
3 years ago

So, having heard about rolling in Tetris for the NES that has been all the rage lately, I decided to ask around to convince someone in the Tetris community to try it on the wall, and by sheer coincidence it turned out LeKukie has devised a method that involves "bolt-tapping" (maybe also known as drag-clicking, apparently popularized in minecraft). Here's a video of it LeKukie recorded (LeKukie was patient enough to breeze through Turbo Tunnel just to get there, BTW!):

Some extra clarification from the reddit thread:

Q: Can you clarify what they're doing here? What exactly is bolt-tapping? A: [Bolt-tapping] is [only somewhat] related to [Tetris] rolling with how the back of the controller is still utilized, but the rapid tapping comes from the friction on the wooden board he's using. Basically, people playing Minecraft came up with a way to "dragclick". See how he tapes his mouse to achieve better friction: Timestamp to dragclicking on a freshly taped mouse: In the Tetris Discord people referred to the NES controller variation as bolt-tapping, so quite a few terms for this kind of stuff it would seem. I've personally came across "dragclicking" before, but couldn't do it at all in the past. I tried it again on an old mouse, and somehow it worked this time - all about hands being a little sweaty apparently. Didn't need any practice for the basic dragclick, but trying it with the mouse flipped and against table surface was another level of awkward though.

Actual musician demonstrating this technique on a tambourine(!): Another interesting method: spreading some of the glue from duct tape to achieve better friction. (Just taping and pulling it off.) Lots of different possibilities, I imagine. My hands would always sweat when speedrunning Battletoads, so maybe no extra tools are even needed!

So, that's all I can think of for the time being. Good luck to anyone daring enough to try and perfect this new discovery! :)

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