GermanyFeurigerilias8 years ago

And yet again another personal insult. Gee. You sure seem to be upset. If you are innocent I am a looney why not just explain why you get for example always the second van?

slug_ و ult1matum تُحب هذا
GermanyFeurigerilias8 years ago

This won't be about why WR is a cheat. It's about the fact that so far Kyledoesit hasn't tried to explain anything.

He has been given plenty chances to give an explanation. He completely ignores me, but yet again manages to constantly personally attack and belittle me and the allegiations. Just by saying he is better and he has the skill and apparentely microoptimizes so well that his Roman's Sorrow on average is two minutes faster than mine even though in the last months I put in an insane amount of time into that grind and also optimized the route to be faster.

Unfortunately the mods for GTA IV are only Jolzi, who hasn't done a run in over a year and so far hasn't done an any% time and Kyledoesit, who is the accused. He also verified his own run which is no proof but yet again is not helping in this matter.

So in the name of the community I ask that his runs will be removed until he can give an explanation and proves in innocence which he can do easily by streaming with a keyboard cam and a microphone.

I have asked him multiple times to do so, but again I am ignored.

If nothing will happen, I will forced to go through the site admins.

If this gets deleted by Kyledoesit because he still has mod for this game, I also will go through the site admins.

MajorLeagueMudkip, BangarangPls و 2 آخرون تُحب هذا
GermanyFeurigerilias8 years ago

No i don't see that reason.

People don't put "DUPING YES or NO" in the leaderboard as well. No reason to make stuff more complicated then it really is.

GermanyFeurigerilias8 years ago

I still think there doesn't need to be a rule added. But hey if it makes stuff clear, why not.

GermanyFeurigerilias8 years ago

Which is why you use the helicopter only for TLC, which is handy because you have to take one message and one Ray call there most of the time anyway. It's timing is very similar as well. You invest about 15-20 seconds to get the helicopter to the marker and waiting for the Ray call imo is a must.

GermanyFeurigerilias8 years ago

There are two animations Niko can do from a stand still. One is very he puishes slowly forward and acclerates slowy which is a bad animation as it takes longer than the other one where Niko just starts running.

The slow animation happens if you press shift before W.

The faster animation happens if you press W before shift.

GermanyFeurigerilias8 years ago

A) For many many reason that some that have voted here and dont run this game don't seem to be fully aware off.

First off why do you want to limit FPS? Obviously limited FPS affects the bike handling and also pulling yourself up into the helicopter. That is one big problem that is broken in this port.

The ingame clock goes slower the higher your fps is. Even if you do not have 100+ FPS you will bleed time. 60 FPS which pretty much every run has continously makes the ingame clock go slower. It will only be 1 ingame hour = 2 real minutes if the frames are 30 FPS.

This affects all the wait periods. When ever you wait for a message or a call you will have to wait longer than you would have to on 30 FPS. With 100 fps you bleed 10 seconds in one ingame hour which adds up quite quickly.

Reasons why there is no other fix:

Using Graphics Driver

The reason why I say the "official" new Amd driver is not a fix is because first: No you can't toggle it with a hotkey. Obviously on a technicial level that could be implemented into a driver but that isnt even it's real problem. The frame target control is Vsync. It vsyncs the game to 30 fps which means the graphics card doesnt put out more than 30 fps. Like the normal vsync this makes every loading screen and cab ride take forever which is why it is not an option.


Like I already said above it makes loading screens take forever and above all makes you lag badly because your keyinput gets reduced by the lower fps. It is really slugish and broken and therefor not a fix. And normally you can't get the vsync below 50. Meaning you will still have a slower ingame clock.

Have the frame limiter always on:

With this you actually dont get long loading screens. But guess what if you still force the game to low fps it affects other stuff like key input. Which makes driving or even switching the radio or making a call harder than it should be because it lags so badly. If this issue wouldnt exists obviously this would be an alternative. But it does so this one is also out.

Frame Managment:

That is a nice trigger word and doesnt work. You can't just look into the distance and magicially lower your fps so the ingame clock goes its normal rate. You only have a choice between looking at the ground or up. The direction you look to matters only to a minimum. And again with this you cannot get the frames anywhere close low enough so you get the "normal" ingame clock. If you have 90 or 70 Fps, in the end you will still lose time.

Ingame Settings:

Why not max. all your ingame settings and destroy fps? If your computer is any good it will stay far over 60 fps, especially when it is vital because you wait. FPS only tend to lower themselves then if you drive or have action going on. And let's again not forget about the lag making this option fairly unplayable. You cannot speedrun this game with all settings to the max. And if you do you have a strong stomach.

PC games that I see have this allowed have it built in (half life etc...). GTA4 doesn't have this built in, you're forcing the game through 3rd party means to limit the frame rate even if the software is "OFFICIAL".

A computer has this ability "built in". With that kind of argument you shouldnt even be allowed to use an OS or a mouse driver because it is 3rd party. Hey you can set your affinity maybe even with a hotkey. Is that not allowed? It's literally limiting your hardware which many people do in San Andreas.

However, there's also mice and keyboard out there of which the software lets you assign a combination of keystrokes (scripts) to the extra buttons on the side of it. Scripts are banned in many games, whether done third party like Autohotkey, second party like Logitech Gaming Mouse, or first party, like the game's .cfg files.

This may be an issue with another game but completely doesnt fit in this argument. Using a script wouldnt work in this game. Because again frames flactuate and so does your key input making your script useless.

This is just adding hypthetics of stuff that is not a problem so you have to keep it out and foxus on the problem. I understand the need add something to this topic and maybe even vote.

But if you do not fully understand this problem, you should refrain from adding your vote.

For some reason S seems to believe that vsync would level the playing field. It would make it for everyone awful, which is really not the point. Loading times are counted, there is no load remover and even then I wouldn't play with vsync.

It is annoying that loading times widly vary which is why some streamers use 1.04 because it has the fastest loading times. That I guess is also part of speedrun tactics and very much legit. There is also one loading screen in bleedout that you can somewhat avoid by yourself.

If people pretend this makes a speedrun a tas they should look up the definition for it.

The game is not slowed down. It is working with the right ingame clock on 30. This speedrun has already enough boring waiting that does add nothing but boredom to the run. Minimizing it can only be a good thing.

IF and only IF the ingame clock decided to run faster on lower fps therefor making frame limiting sketchy, this would be an actual point to maybe disallow it.

But with a game that is so prone to lag there is no reason to make the life of the runner harder or more boring because that is what waiting is.

GermanyFeurigerilias8 years ago

About 20 Minutes of waiting I'd say.

It does affect all the phone calls. So if you wait fore a phone call limit your fps to 30 fps and you get it those tiny seconds faster.

For it's your call when you are waiting before the gambling den you can save 2 seconds by limiting fps. I got a 3:33 Gold Split which wasn't even the most optimized. So sub 3:30 gold split is possible for it's your call with frame limiting.

GermanyFeurigerilias8 years ago

On I always get 60 with vsync.

GermanyFeurigerilias8 years ago

B. also for sport bikes because they are very very broken on high FPS

GermanyFeurigerilias8 years ago

You can spawn a cab when you get outside the save house no matter the vehicle density.

In some of the mission (mostly concrete jungle) i realized, i had huge problems spawning a cab (which also can happen on 100 vehicle density). What is the connection?

As it turns out the game spawns very little cabs, if you have stolen cab before. You can get rid of this by video editor warping after you have stolen the cab. The effect of stealing a cab seem to last very long.

If I don't steal the cab in Concrete Jungle, the cab will always spawn on one vehicle density.

This is still in the works, but for now don't steal any cabs anymore in the run and if you do make sure you video editor warp afterwards.

NULLYUKI و Mawfeen تُحب هذا
GermanyFeurigerilias8 years ago

Nothing has happened since the last discussion about it. People that where against removing this rule haven't come back to running the game. So at this point this rule should be just removed.

My experience in any% has shown me, that one vehicle density doesn't mean you have no car rng. It also doesn't mean, that the game is easier. It is also not difficult to change the vehicle density. If menuing skills are important in a speedrun game, you have to go for them. If you believe menuing skills do not belong to gta then you should find a different gta to run, because in some gta games menuing is part of the run.

I just cannot imagine that I would ever ever do Escuela of the Streets with 33 vehicle density. This mission is already hell in any% to get optimized. In classic it is just near impossible to get this mission off clean.

Why in hell would you want more RNG in a game that is already overloaded with RNG?

There is a reason why classic% is dead. I would like to see it revived, but without a rule change nothing will happen.

GermanyFeurigerilias8 years ago

I just had a run that was at +1 minute and I tried to save it by going for the CAb to the Police Car Strat. It didn't spawn. I'll highlight it for you. Like I said, it's not reliable.

GermanyFeurigerilias8 years ago

That cab always spawns. I have to test. Because I also tested with various markers and so on. I notice other differences between our games.

Like very often explosive barrels for me are not charged.

GermanyFeurigerilias8 years ago

I wish that strat was viable Kyle, but the cop car randomly doesn't spawn. Which makes this super unreliable and risky. I think it's like a 15 second time save.

GermanyFeurigerilias8 years ago

Driving in there with a car guns blazing is super risky. You'll rip too easily.

GermanyFeurigerilias8 years ago

First of all, congrats on the 4:33. Gonna watch it later.

Yeah good old wedding phone calls. I still don't understand them and praying that they come in isn't really nice and if you do get fucked and they glitch out, it's such a late game run killer and it's super frustating.

There are some other phone calls that are prone to glitching out and refusing to come in. Packie for Undertaker is the best example.

I'll never understand it because there is no pattern and without understanding the way these phone calls are coded, there isn't much you can do about them.

Currently I'm out of the race. My current time has 15 minutes easy time save from just playing better and a further 20 minutes with perfect phone calls. So i see myself sub 4:30 at best. I doubt i can do any better without loosing my sanity.

GermanyFeurigerilias9 years ago

I always use the death warp to get back to Pegorino. Mission editor warping might also work because the save house in Alderney spawns cabs reliably.

I also think that immediately doing the next Francis McReary mission after Final Interview is the way to go because the mission marker is right next to the end point of the last mission saving you one cab ride.

GermanyFeurigerilias9 years ago

Pretty sure that's not how it worked.

I talked about this before, but I don't use autosave anymore, because it can break undertaker because Packies phone call glitches out. Video Editor warping is only slower by a few seconds, because for the autosave to work you have to wait until the save logo disapears.

In the meantime you already could've pulled up your phone and video editor warped.

غير معروف
GermanyFeurigerilias9 years ago


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