8 years ago
Derbyshire, England

We need our Glitchless meme category so that I can actually be the only one to run something!

Seriously though I would run it...


I'm going to stream-of-consciousness some rules right now.

Overall, a lot of things are grey areas. 'Intended' is different than 'glitchless' (I recommend glitchless) and some of the things that could be required are really stupid (examples: waiting for the mice to open the door in ratomatic, watching the BCP cutscene).

My thoughts are that these dumb requirements should never exist if we want the run to be fun. Also, I feel like glitchless is a useful category in cases where the run is significantly different or in cases where the glitches are very hard. I feel like neither is the case in SSSV. There are a few interesting levels though I guess (RHP, sewers, doldrums, shifting sands). There are also some pretty dumb levels (WWT, Penguin Playpen, Fishy and WFI are all basically just walking). I don't want to be a downer, people can play the game however they want. If you want to do this, I can set up a leaderboard for it and will support it completely. I'll probably even do some runs myself.

Smashing Start: no cutscene skipping

HAND: Is the cutscene skip allowed? Its not a glitch, but is it 'intended'? I think I left it out of my run

Moon Goon: No cutscene skipping (not that we do it anyway) sheep pushing allowed? You could too easily do it by accident playing the game casually, so maybe it should be allowed.

Battery Farm: No hitbox extension. The question then becomes how are you supposed to get to the switch. Youre 'intended' to use the carrots as a platform, but it is possible to just jump on the shed. You can also fly there from the barn. Also, I don't think youre supposed to be able to jump over the first bridge gap as the ram.

Engine Room: No early Keycard, no leap of fox, no cutscene skip.

FBM: No cutscene skip, no roof jumping

RHP: No early spring ram/sheep, no grav clip. If it ends up being faster to get to the exit as a sheep instead of as the spring ram/sheep, then that's not 'intended' either

Sewers: No evo strats to get the early keycard, no early king rat, no evo strats to move through the maze to the king rat. MUST COMPLETE ALL OBJECTIVES

Ratomatic: MUST COMPLETE ALL OBJECTIVES. No door skip into the mouse, no ratomatic skip, must wait for mice to open the door. No CSS for the ratomatic explosion.


Snow Joke: I dont think you were intended to jump off the cliff right away like any% does, but that's not a glitch or anything...

I'n'EDI: no cliff clip

Penguin Pen: No early seagull. God help us all.

PB Bliz: nothing I guess. Maybe youre not supposed to be able to fly directly from the ground up to the top of the level.

Choppa: no wall clip. You could butt stomp a husky and use it to kill a rabbit, but youre 'intended' to hit the switch to activate the guns.

Fishy: No cod escape. God help us all.

Walrace: Are we allowed to block the orange guy at the start?

Japes: no cutscene skip, must hit the switch as the hyena

Doldrums: No hippo jump, can't lure the hippo to hit the log switch, no yolo jumps, must walk across the invisible bridge. Do you have to hit the rain switch as a formality?

Swamp: Gotta follow the path, cant just book it to the hyenas. no gorilla jumps.

WFI: No gorilla jumps. God help us all.

Jumps: I htink youre supposed to use the chameleon to kill the hyenas...IDK. Should key jumping be allowed?

Evos Escape:...

FITS: I feel like youre supposed to kill a camel and use it to push the box. Then again, I also feel like youre supposed to be a camel in the second room. No cutscene skipping. Youre also supposed to be the vulture to hit the valves.

HCB: No CSS, no hitbox extension, probably no evo in the scorpion den. In some of my supposed to% runs I didn't allow the desert fox to blow up the speakers. Also, must hit all switches, no zandergoth strats to turn the last o into an x...or whatever way it goes

SitT: No Sha jumping. Also can't jump to the base of the vulture tower directly, must go from across the bridge. No pillar squeeze.

Borassic: No cutscene skipping, no teleport jump. Also, I think there are ways to skip the rib cage platforming. That's not allowed.

WWT: No WWT skip. God help us all. No turbo launching.

Shifting Sands: No TV jumping. That makes this level super fun (serious, this is my favourite desert level casually). Are you allowed to just float down the river? I feel like youre not intended to take all that damage.


BCP: Can we do the cutscene skip? I guess we are allowed to push A/B to skip the shrink ray scenes.

Derbyshire, England

My responses (personally I prefer using glitchless than intended as my answers will probably show):

Smashing Start: Yup HAND: It isn't a glitch per say to get to it too early so I guess it's allowed. Moon Goon: Sheep Pushing was probably not intended but I wouldn't call it a glitch per say either as it's not exactly a coding issue, more a small oversight. Battery Farm: Not a glitch to use the barn :D I'll take glitchless over intended anyway so... Engine Room: Yup FBM: Maybe if we take glitchless we can ram skip but intended includes killing the ram I guess (GB classes it as an angry animal but N64 doesn't which is strange) RHP: I don't think it matters between spring ram or sheep tbh as who knows what they intended here. Sewers: Yay mazes Rat-o-matic: Yay explosions and murdering foxes

Snow Joke: It's not a glitch and they added the float mechanic so it doesn't matter really. I'n'EDI: Seems legit, pretty cool level anyway as it's nearly glitchless. Penguin Playpen: Oh god the seagull PB Bliz: Not a glitch to do that jump so woot as you just get it Choppa: I'll just take glitchless at this point tbh Fishy: Wait does this mean using those mines for their actual purpose? Walrace: Nah, I'd say careful positioning to block an opponent is legit

Japes: Don't forget elephantless is banned here :D Doldrums: Rain Switch can be optional here, it is only temporary so probably better to practice it to know the placement anyway but up to you Swamp: Woo no dirty bubble nearly ruining runs (sorry Cracker) WFI: I don't even know the legit way for this yet Jumps: Key Jumping if we take intended should be disallowed, but if we are assuming glitchless then it isn't a glitch more a level design fault. Same with respects to Hyena kills - they seemed to be designed to get killed by turtle so it depends which you want to call it.

FITS: How can you be camel in the second room XD Vulture I agree with for intended, glitchless (if we take it as that) wouldn't change at all. HCB: Oh yeah all switches, that's true for both for sure. SitT: Yup Borassic: Yay bones WWT: Oh god I forgot how long that is Shifting Sands: Level oversight with respect to the river, I think it was intended to not take damage, but it' not a glitch so depends on what category you want to call it.

BCP: A/B skips are fine, the Replay Zone skip isn't.

I am getting more serious about getting an NTSC N64 just for this game so I'm for it as I've started appreciating glitchless runs more anyway.


Another thing is killing things as the hyena. Would you be allowed to abuse the offscreen instant laughing or not?

Regarding the replay zone skip in BCP, I feel like it should be allowed because it is in the grey area (restarting a zone isn't a glitch), its easy (literally impossible to fail without trying to fail), and having the cutscene might make the run less interesting to watch (as cutscenes tend to do).

Otherwise, everything else you say is fine for a glitchless category. Good luck with that and I'm looking forward to some NTSC runs!

Derbyshire, England

Probably should be something to consider buuuuut idk how easy it is to implement such a rule in certain situations (Swamp of Eternal Stench for example with 2 gorillas)

About BCP, well... It's kind of an oversight so not a "glitch" per say so glitchless is cool I GUESS.

United States

I have come to the conclusion that a Glitchless category would be better than Intended. Certain things that arent really glitches like hitbox extension and cod escape will be banned as well to allow for a more interesting run.


Complete the game as fast as possible using NONE of the following glitches/tricks:

No cutscene skipping (Jumping in and out with Evo specifically) No Hitbox Extensions to hit switches with unintended animal. No pushing switches as Evo No Early Keycard (this is a Hitbox Extension) No Leap of Fox No Gravity Clip No Barrel Jump/Sewer Skip No using Evo for Early Keycard in Stinky Sewers No Cliff Clip No Super Sliding No Dead seagull or Living Penguin to press switches on Penguin Playpen No Cod Escape No Gorilla Jumps No Hippo Jump No Bone Jump No WWT Skip No Turbo Launch

You may use Evo to recharge energy faster. Killing enemies offscreen with the hyena to store laughter frames also allowed. Pillar Squeezing is allowed.(?)(its very uneventful going out of your way to pick up a fox and carry it to the teleporter on the 2 levels its used)


Looking forward to hearing what you guys think about this. I will gladly make this a category with enough input and agreement, and I will do runs once we all agree on rules..


Derbyshire, England


United States

After doing a couple of runs i realize that there are only a few levels (about 5 or 6) that aren't done as intended. Also its too confusing calling this "glitchless" when there are many things that aren't allowed that are not glitches.

I am hereby changing the category from Glitchless to Supposed-To%. There will be another thread with level by level instructions on DO's and DONT's

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