Planned Super Smash Bros. Melee Category Extensions
4 years ago
United States

Hello! I wanted to write an update on the leaderboards discussed here for software modifications for Super Smash Bros. Melee. We wanted to make leaderboards for things like 20XX versions and all of that kind of stuff that give SSBM different features like C-stick for attacks in single player mode, among a lot of other changes. We chose to separate these new leaderboards from the original game to let any interested players compete amongst themselves without disturbing the regular game. slippy318 submitted a Category Extension request for this game last year, but it seems that the Category Extension request was rejected and may have been lost or done so by accident. had numerous technical issues last year and this request was submitted around those times so it was probably affected by them.

I spoke to a Content Moderator (Techstrobe) about it two days ago and slippy318 has resubmitted the request now. Hopefully it is reviewed and accepted! If it is, we will let all of you know about the rules, leaderboards, guidelines - everything the Category Extension is comprised of as soon as we can. Sorry for the lack of information about this topic over the past year!

GoodleShoes, hypermariosunshine و 6 آخرون تُحب هذا
United States


slippy318 و Primitive_Froot تُحب هذا
New York, USA

Very hyped for this!!!!

United States

Hi players! The Category Extensions game for Super Smash Bros. Melee is now finished. A bunch of new categories for the full-game section are currently there and the individual level charts from the regular game are also there. The rulings for each part of this game have been updated to comply with the purpose of what we wanted for the category extension, and each category has at least some ruling for guidance right now. It can have rules altered/optimized and new categories added to it once more people play and think of new additions for leaderboards, but right now the game is at the point where it is considered ready for use. Please check the entry out and tell us if anything needs to be adjusted, added, or removed, for any part of the game. I hope each participant enjoys it!

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Hyrule Code Is Now A Sub-Category

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And it indeed was a hasty decision with little to no discussion. Now we have dec

11 months ago
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