Leaderboard Update Open Beta: Performance, User-Experience, & More
1 year ago

Hey everyone! In the last couple of weeks, we’ve been receiving a lot of valuable feedback from our Supporters - and we’re excited to now announce that anyone can access this beta! Before we dive into the details, if you want to try it out for yourself you can head on over to https://www.speedrun.com/settings/betas


This leaderboard update is still in its early stages, so we are first putting it into beta first. If you have any feedback - leave it in the replies below!


For those who haven’t seen the News Post from the other week, let me give a quick recap of what you can expect from this update as well as future ones!

We’re trying out a new design with the Category & Sub-Category header which brings back the classic category display with some visual tweaks and a new method of handling misc runs. On top of this, we’ve created a new interface for filters that will support our future development work, which will allow you to select multiple values of a single variable at one time! Please note that we are currently aware of the lack of distinction for misc sub-categories, and are actively working to find a solution.


Previously, you could only select one value to filter by at a time, but now you can now filter by multiple values of a single variable! For example, if you have a variable for platforms with the values of Nintendo Switch, Xbox Series X, PS5, and PC - you could only filter to view one value at a time previously. Now, you can for instance view runs from Nintendo Switch and PC at the same time but exclude Xbox and PS5 if you want :)


With the latest update, you can now link directly to specific sub-categories, or even the rules page of any category/sub-category! For those of you who have had your hands on this functionality during the first release of this beta, you may notice that the URLs have been updated to be a bit more human-readable for your convenience. Backwards compatibility with the old URL format is now also supported, e.g. /mc#Any.

This update is primarily focused on backend improvements to vastly increase speed for leaderboards large and small. We have also included an overhaul of the table component, focused on creating a better experience for leaderboards with lots of variables and lots of runs, across all devices. This includes the addition of pagination to leaderboards. No more worries about loading leaderboards with more than 1000 runs!


The entire Speedrun.com team is excited to hear your feedback surrounding this update so we can use it to help shape future changes in this area.

Coming sometime next week we will have a newly updated Filter By Date feature! We know this is an important feature, especially for those world record progression videos we all know and love - so we’re excited to bring this back to you new and improved in an update very soon :)

Even further ahead, we still have lots of feedback from our UI/UX interviews we did earlier this year that we're excited to bring to life moving forward. This will include UI improvements to the game info area to emphasize important information like community site/discord links. We also have planned improvements to the category/variable navigation area, as well as improving the tooling to create categories/variables from the moderator side of things. This will include but is not limited to allowing moderators to choose if sub-categories get displayed in the dropdown format or the classic “pill” format. Of course, we are always working towards better performance across the site - so you can expect some speed increases too.

Please leave any and all feedback you have below, we're excited to hear from you!

Gaming_64, grnts و 21 آخرون تُحب هذا
United States


YUMmy_Bacon5 المعجبون بهذا
Somerset, England

This is a surprise, also a new settings link without a username? :o I saw someone on Twitter saying big updates like this should be in beta for everyone - but I guess this is attually a thing now [quote=Meta]especially for those world record progression videos[/quote] This sounds like an echo of what I said lmao

تم التحرير بواسطة الكاتب 1 year ago
Gaming_64, supercrazestar, و Meta تُحب هذا


Gaming_64, grnts و 2 آخرون تُحب هذا
Illinois, USA
He/Him, She/Her, They/Them
1 year ago

extremely uncommon src w, thank fucking god

and its a fucking revert of a thing that didn't need to be changed initially

src moment

تم الحذف
و 3 آخرون تُحب هذا
Somerset, England

[quote=Zennan]fucking revert of a thing that didn't need to be changed initially[/quote] It did need to be changed

Gaming_64 المعجبون بهذا

I think you did a pretty good job! Smart improvements, nice and easy to navigate. Pagination was needed.

Only thing I'm not convinced about is why the comment icons are put even before the time column, but maybe it's good like this idk.

Looking forward for the future updates !

Gaming_64 و YUMmy_Bacon5 تُحب هذا
Glamorganshire, Wales

Looks really neat!

It's a far better look than the previous design at least, I liked the older camera icons for video proof or not but it's more of a tradition than something you'd expect to come on here and frequently not see I guess.

Whilst I'm here please add leaderboard flag settings back for sub-countries, or at least fix them ;)

JH2000_, Pear, و YUMmy_Bacon5 تُحب هذا
United States

Looks nice! One small thing - I think there's not quite enough of a distinction between the main category pills and the sub-category pills if the board theme is set more toward transparent, since you don't get the background color difference as strongly. They are bold, but that can be easy to glance over, so a little extra distinction between which ones are the main categories and which ones are subcategories would be nice.

Maybe make the subcategories bar use the same background color as the bar with the filters/rules/submit buttons, so there's a stronger background color difference.

تم التحرير بواسطة الكاتب 1 year ago
YUMmy_Bacon5 المعجبون بهذا
Saudi Arabia


YUMmy_Bacon5 المعجبون بهذا
Iowa, USA

I do have a problem with the rules.

I’ve added rules to a category, and then separate rules to a variable that’s a category.


JOB RULES are part of the variable rules but it looks like it’s part of the category rules. Why is it not separated from the category rules?

Also why do my links never show the image?

تم التحرير بواسطة الكاتب 1 year ago
Gaming_64 و YUMmy_Bacon5 تُحب هذا
Glamorganshire, Wales

@Act_ you have to open the image in a new tab then use that link if you're using imgur It does look annoying and it's especially stupid if that's forced but it'd actually make the rules a lot clearer if you just added a new line at the end of the category rules. It's silly that's how it'd have to work to be clear though I agree

تم التحرير بواسطة الكاتب 1 year ago
Act_ المعجبون بهذا
Orkney, Scotland

Overall looks good, but there is a bug with flags. For example, while not in beta, my flag Correctly shows as Scotland on leaderboards, where as with the new beta it now Incorrectly shows the UK flag.

Somerset, England

@Act_ just add an extra new line at the end of the above rules @RaggedDan I think they're joined by a space @CDRomatron I think this is intended

Gaming_64 و Act_ تُحب هذا

This update looks very nice and I'm happy to hear the date filter is also getting an upgrade soon.

One minor suggestion, I would make, is for the "run notes" and "no video" icons to get their own row, because it is not really easy to scan over and tell which is which. https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/518571658475339776/1030499729479585863/unknown.png

SpeedRunFan2022, diggity, و RaggedDan تُحب هذا
Orkney, Scotland

@YUMmy_Bacon5 I do hope this is not an intensional feature, as that would be a very strong political take I'm sure SRC would want to avoid.

JH2000_ و YUMmy_Bacon5 تُحب هذا
Somerset, England

@CDRomatron how is it political? Are you just trying to get them to change this lmao

Gaming_64 المعجبون بهذا

Because Scotland is Scotland and the UK is the UK?

Minnesota, USA

nothing to comment other than these are all really good changes!!! keep it up

edit: actually, there is one thing - the misc arrow doesn't really make itself clear as a button that shows you more categories, maybe it could use text saying "Misc" or "More" etc just to make it obvious.

also bug report! ctrl+click should let you open a run in a new tab, but this seems to not work if you're highlighting the first column with the player name and comment.

تم التحرير بواسطة الكاتب 1 year ago
YUMmy_Bacon5 المعجبون بهذا
Somerset, England

@skyweiss I agree, since new users will have no idea that they are called misc. categories anymore. Also that this new dropdown is somewhat hidden so I don't see that games have misc. categories sometimes

تم التحرير بواسطة الكاتب 1 year ago
Gaming_64 المعجبون بهذا