No levels have been set for this game yet. Please add some

A new game of mine was verified recently. I added some categoried in there (I haven't done this for a year since I became a mod of Monstrum and I forgot mostly everything). I set the categories, added the run, but if one enters the title of the game itself ( /Contagion) no runs (or even categories) are displayed there. One needs to press "Leaderboard" button to see the existed run. How can I fix that? What checkbox or so should I activate so that all categories and runs wolud be displayed once anybody enters the title of the game?

تم التحرير بواسطة الكاتب 5 years ago
United States

This might be because you have the level leaderboard set as the default, which should be set to full game in this scenario. Try taking a peek at this option near the save button in the Edit Game page.


Thanks mate, that did the trick