ve set up a speed running youtube channel, comparing speed runs. Would like feedback :)
Cambridgeshire, England

Hello guys, my name is Jamie I have created a new youtube channel called "Speed Running Comparison". Basically I get the video of the world record for a particular run or game and put it side by side next to the person in second place. I love watching these type of videos as you get to see how close both of them came.

Here is my channel if anyone would like to take a look https:/​/​www.​youtube.​com/​channel/​UCCkSdTN5gam_Wu4aQxcG6Gw?view_as=subscriber

New York, USA

Speedrun and all its derivatives are one word. Thank you, that is all.

Osmosis_Jones, CarkInTheDark, و xDrHellx تُحب هذا

Also, please don’t post the same thread in multiple forums - one is sufficient. It doesn’t belong in Introductions either, this forum is the correct place for it.


Fun idea, but the link to the channel doesn't work for me :P A cool comparison video might be for the top times of Altered Beast. Golden Axe too!

Cambridgeshire, England

Thankyou Liv, brutal honesty but I appreciate it. I did try and gain permission but had no replies as they probably get a lot of messages. I realise that's no excuse to use without permission but I set up this channel as I wanted to celebrate their world record runs as I love watching them and wanted to be part of the speedrun community. I actually wanted to do videos like summoning salts or Karl Jobst but im just not knowledgeable enough to do those sorts of videos that breakdown the records so was hoping to do the next best thing. Anyway my intention is not to annoy anyone or be seen as stealing peoples videos. I will respectfully not post any more video. Cheers for the feedback buddy.

تم التحرير بواسطة الكاتب 4 years ago