Pro's and con's using certain rune in the beginning
8 years ago

So in my PB I use the Chattur'gha since the SDA run use that one, but I know Llyno87 been talking about using Xel'lotath instead, and ZeldaPirate not picked Chattur'gha either.

Discuss! I've not looked up if one is faster than another put if there's enough evidence I might change to whatever is fastest.

/ Z

I think it's the same because the thing that changes is the colour of the enemies n.n. But maybe the boss fight in Peter's chapter it's more quickly with one element in concrete?


In my (limited) experience, having mostly Xel'lotath enemies tends to be quicker because the zombies are both slow and flammable, giving a one-hit kill in levels with a torch, which also lets you past bodyblocks quicker. The black guardian is also very easy for green, though I think phase 1 timing is tighter. On the other hand, you get restore health + stamina really late, so it might still be slower because of walking.


Please forgive me, what I was meaning to say is that I use the Xel'lotath rune and Chattur'gha is my main enemy through out the game, haha! But yeah, it is correct what Aditu is saying, hence using just that one.

Llyno talked about using Ulyaoth (maybe even does it in his latest PB?) because of reasons I don't remember now but he thought it was suppose to be faster actually.

I pick Ulyaoth in my speedrun :P but I don't now if there are any difference between the oders :'(. In my next speedrun I will prove to pick Chattur'gha, maybe with this your life bar decrease more low and you can make more sprint :DD

I think is more good picking up Xel·lotath because the enemies are more esy to kill (with the torch, like Mantorok zombies). Chattur'gha it is the worst for the speedrun because the enemies are more resistent and they deal more damage!

Utah, USA

I use Ulyaoth because his zombies blow each other up, so when one of his zombies has a rune can just kill a normal one rather than fight the tougher one. Also in Xel'lotath you do need to deal with a Chattur'gha Horror in Max's chapter but with Ulyaoth it's a Xel'lotath horror, which is much easier to kill. But to try to get a more concrete answer to the question, I've been gathering IL times with the various paths using the jump to game feature. Only just starting this project but I'll post the results when I've finished with it.

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