Luciano's run.
6 years ago
United Kingdom

Similar to what Punchy said, but in the Dino 2 forum, his Dino Crisis 1 run is most definitely not segmented. The run even says 0 saves and 0 continues in the results screen.

As prior stated on Dino 2's forum, a run being in multiple video parts doesn't mean it is segmented. The run is rightfully the Any% WR, and putting it in Segmented just undermines the entire leaderboard and defeats the whole point.

تم التحرير بواسطة الكاتب 6 years ago
Seoul, South Korea

Here is the thing though, edited runs into multiple files "could" potentially still be segmented, he ran on console, so that wont be the case for him however if its an emulated run or similar - even if unlikely- it can be done. For now Lucianos run will stay on Any% but it is now clearly stated in the rules that split-files of the run will no longer be accepted, and thanks to twitch, youtube or whatever video streaming source is out there - that should be no problem at all. As for the DC2 part, as i said on that other thread Deadhunter has the last word there as he is more active on dc2 than i am, and i somewhat support his stance on the matter specially that Luciano deleted his messages and comments asking about the run which is always a bit dodgy considering he just wants a simple clarification.

United Kingdom

I mean, a single video file could still be 'segmented' and just edited together. Similar to how the RE0 runners of segmented Knife Only have set up their runs.

Suspecting a multiple part run when in 2008 this was pretty much the only way to get video online and viewable publicly on a site like Youtube, I don't really think there should be any bias towards his run for being laid out in such a way.

تم التحرير بواسطة الكاتب 6 years ago
Seoul, South Korea

No as i said i did not suspect him in doing a segmented run neither here or his DC2 run, however overall its not every helpfull if the main person involved avoids a conversation when just simply asked. and yes you are right a single file does not 100% proof that it is not a segmented / cut together run, however it will easier to check and i know that back in the old YT days you had a video time restriction unless you were a partner thats why his run will be an exeption and stays on Any% as there is simply not enough valid reasons and proof that it is in fact segmented like Zenos run for example. At the end of the day i just want this barely run games like DC1 and 2 to be as friendly and "clean" as possibleand hope we can get this sorted out over at DC2

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